So I was doing my weekly LFR. All of a sudden, everyone started complaining about lagging and freezing. Then my Character froze. The game disconnected me. I reconnected, only to find myself kicked from the raid, with the “deserter” debuff. As if that was my fault. I pay a monthly subscription, while Blizz bans me for their server lag. That’s totally fair, right? I try to submit a bug report and I’m told that I won’t get a response. Cool. I’m glad I’ve paid these guys for the last 18 years, just for them to give me the cold shoulder. Do better, Blizz.
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The new deserter debuff idea is really flawed. It’s intended to slow down or limit issues caused by the elitest jerks. The problem is this gives more power to the jerks who will kick players who are not doing anything wrong other than not submitting to the rule of the elitest jerks, then you have to wait half an hour to que again just because you were a good player.
The other side is getting the debuff for mistakes on Blizzard’s end. It doesn’t matter how much money we give Blizzard, they will always be right.