Punch card nerf?

Do you want me to bring out my man-power scaling explanations about the realities of Quality Assurance? Because posts like these are how you get me to bust out my man-power scaling explanations about the realities of Quality Assurance.


Do It.

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If my job is hanging out with friends here and raging about the crap in Naz and how this expansion sucks, while pointing out the crazy people post… then sure. :roll_eyes:

It’s amazing what happens when you have a phone and downtime between work and family.


Has nothing to do with ‘‘ignorance’’ and everything to do with white knighting, am I right? This company makes a fortune and can afford someone that can math!

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So I have the red punchcard with the on use damage effect. I don’t understand how decreasing the yellow stats while the damage number of the red stays static will cause an increase or neutral change to dps.

So a multi-billion dollar company that used to be spot on with informing the playerbase is no longer capable of documenting “intended” fixes that will affect many players before they’re live?

I also find it hard to believe nerfing static stats and buffing the proc ones is going to be comparable. Unless the procs are up a huge percentage of the time, it’s going to be a nerf. I don’t use the thing myself, but I find this blue post incredibly disingenuous and sketchy.


If you criticize them so often how can you read that and not say “What a total crock of dung”? Tell me, how is it they synchronize better now? Explain that one.


Get lost with your excuse but said in another way. It’s a trinket, they made other gear, surely, they can figure out how it will scale!

Oh it’s not static broh, it got nerfed.

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When you seem to think that a small group of people on a closed server can somehow solve all balancing issues in a massive online open world game, then yes, it does.

Yup. This is my issue. Don’t spring this crap on people. Just tell us, “hey, we’re seeing a balancing issue and we’re going to even it out with this change, which shouldn’t impact much.”

Instead, all they did was create more rage for hiding it.

I’m not a math major or developer, now am I? :roll_eyes:


nerfing the passive stats makes the trinket much less desirable for healers :frowning: but its also a “new” trinket with pieces that only drop 30 ilvls behind current gear so… :woman_shrugging: :rofl:

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Simple, just have an entire run on sentence. Then they’ll be forced to read it!

That may be what they started seeing with this and why they changed it.

Biggest issue is that they didn’t even tell us. And we still don’t have details as to why.

Communication is key. Haven’t we been telling them that for roughly three expansions now? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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One of the things that never ceases to amaze me with the current group of devs is how they think in the internet age, with x-millions of players, they’re going to get away with stealth nerfs and hotfixes. Like we weren’t going to notice the stats when from like +290/+85 or whatever to +165/+45. We have eyes. If these changes are intentional, there’s zero reason why they can’t be documented. All this does is raise the level of mistrust the player base feels toward Blizzard and act as a defacto insult to our intelligence when they try to sell us it’s not a nerf.


Ya, because you’re full of garbage and making excuses that you can’t even back up. It’s not hard at all to see how BS that answer was. Because it’s obvious this was not done to better synchronize. Better, means the over out come is a positive one for the user. So, come on man show us how it’s better.

Blizzard is so smart and has all the numbers is not an answer.

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This was never true lol.

Different players, different spec representation, different gear sets.

A lot can go into the scaling of items in gear, especially when you compare procs to flat stats.

Just look at a single 40 stat crit gem. Get the same class and spec, give it to someone in 340 gear, 385 gear, 400 gear, and 415 gear and look at the difference in benefits it provides.
Now chuck it in to equal ilvl brackets with different classes and specs as well.

Now increase the value of the stat almost 5 fold, add in an additional secondary for double the value and test again.

That’s pretty much the scenario you are dealing with, and that’s not accounting for specific different stat balances as someone with different stat allocation is going to get different values even as the same spec and ilvl.

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This is standard Blizzard communication. Roll out a hotfix, tell everyone at the end of the day when the interns finally get around to sending the hotfix update.

Unless it’s helping players defeat instanced content. Then it gets plastered on @WarcraftDevs and we get a blue post immediately.


Dude Blizzard used to be much, much better at communicating with the player base. Not perfect, but the current bar is so low, it’s moot. Remember the pre-Activision days of “It’ll be done when it’s done?” Now it’s just “Here’s the date, done or not, crap or not, it’s coming.”


Agreed. Just freaking tell us beforehand and eliminate some of the outrage. Ugh. Drives me crazy. It’s not like they don’t know they’re doing it!

Telling you that a small group of people testing on a closed server isn’t the same as an open world of millions isn’t making excuses. Curb the rage. Take a walk. Calm down.

Drives me batty. :rage:

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