"pumpers only"

If the run goes bad you can talk about it and call it off.

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Truly. 90% of the pugs I do never speak a single word. 9% of them have strategical discussions before the key starts. The other 1% is toxicity.

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I thought about giving them a look, might consider it again in the future, but so far I’ve been able to complete my limited goals so I guess unless I get ambitious I’m probably good.

It’s mostly about what you expect from the run. I don’t have to worry about someone throwing a fit, that’s mostly why I run with them. I’ve had a lot better success dealing with them than LFG pugs.

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I list mostly as completion. If it’s bad, at least we finish it and get practice so it won’t be as bad next time.

You see the same people again in communities. The alternative is pugging where it doesn’t matter to you if the groupmates learn from their mistake because you’ll just group with someone else making the same mistake

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He likes them chunky chunky, chunky
Chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky
Chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy

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I do this often especially when I’m holding a key that is outside of my comfort zone. I want to test and see if I can pull my weight but don’t want people expecting perfection so I’ll list for completion.

Usually brings in cooler heads.


Idk what it is with ‘pumpers only’ groups but they always fail miserably at whatever they’re doing and the group leader is always Normal raid ILVL with >1000 IO and 4/9H

Search features exist in discord, after seeing someone getting roasted for suggesting they weren’t a carry I snooped around some more and saw similar instances of people getting lambasted for all sorts of things. It was really fast and easy to find such things since no one ever thinks to delete conversations, everything is basically permanent.

“Aug” or “DH Tank” or “rduird”

Meta brain rot is real

I was in a pug 12 that accepted an Aug evoker about 20 ilvls lower than that rest of us cause they were Aug and the lead wanted an Aug. Needless to say that group disbanded.

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When I want to run a Raid fresh I just list it as 'XXX+ = Instant Invites" where xxx is 15-20 Ilvl below raid ilvl where the attached description is:

“Why would I waste 30 minutes filling a group with ub3r leet ‘pumpers’ who will flake at the first funnyman wipe and just play a green parse anyways when I can just invite a bunch of randoms and let it ride for the same result?”

This has always netted a fast and easy 30 man group for N and H where the first 4-6 bosses die with no effort before clueless pugbreaker mechanics happen in H.

For keys if its a low key I just list it as “No IO? No problem!”


Yep it’s immediate cringe seeing that. The second most cringe thing is seeing the group leader is from Azralon

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idk racism is pretty cringe


Not me. If the name doesnt suggest a 14 year old screaming slurs at me through their Elderberry scented vape cloud becausei need keep them topped off, im not interested. Keyboard chads only, you know?

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Nah the most cringe thing is people excluding an entire server population of people due to weird stereotypes.

Which reminds me “No rag” is another LFG group listing I avoid


When people talk about their alts in the title i wanna scream

I’d have given you Gnome.

Pushed too far with dwarf, gobbo, and vulp :grimacing:

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I need the smalls, I need them all, all smalls come to me


/w I’ll join but Cam is off. It could be on if the price is right tho.