
Its like we are at a stage where AAA companies are too big to succeed.

All I can think of the Key and Peele bank robbery skit.

I think they genuinely do.

Literally every argument I’ve seen for ripcord that isn’t outright spite, is like “bringing back WoW to RPG roots” (that it never had), or saying “but X game can do it!” while ignoring the fact that games that can pull off Covenants can do so because they’re singleplayer, or restricted to private multiplayer.

Or that they think we hate the game and don’t want to see it succeed, cause why else would we criticise it otherwise?


No one can Top Yesuna when it comes to this :joy:


I’ll try them out in another campaign. Got a friend to help guide me through the decisions and learn about the game so the Empire hasn’t been too bad right now. As we speak I can see the Vampaires are taking over so that’s fun…

Same. During that xpac I swapped over to PvE and had a pretty decent time doing that. Issue I had was my best performance was gated behind shear RNG. That being the legendaries. Still played 2s and got the PvP tabard each season so there’s that at least…

But for MHW I played Long Sword, Charge Blade, Dual Blades, Switch Axe and Gunlance. I wasn’t crazy into it like many others but I slammed my head against the wall on Fatalis until he want down. Think I spent well 28 hours in the span of 4 days working on him until he went down. Was an exciting moment for me


At this point there really isn’t a reason to pulling a ripcord because we are like 6 feet from the ground lol.

Thanks for nerfing everything into oblivion, Blizzard.


From what I’ve gathered from their Bi-polar arguments (No offense towards any one that may suffer from it).

She believes Blizz is too slow to make changes but any one pushing Blizz to hurry up and make those changes is a whiney little child and should just shut up.

No kidding . It is like we’ve gone from from trying to get them to do a successful 101st A.B. jump behind enemy lines to them going “Nah we’re good ,we’re going to Wiley E. Coyote off the cliff instead.”

Definitely a headscratcher.

The GD predictions of only 1% difference are going to end up correct, cause Covenants will only make up one 1% of your damage lmao.

Who would have thought that a meaningful choice is a dull, uninteresting power that could have been removed from the actually interesting story/rp choice?

Certainly no one here, no this is completely surprising.


I mean, who would actually want strong, but situational abilities that reward the player for having the foresight to understand the type of combat that they would be doing.

Not this guy. Give me those flat damage increases that are better in practically every scenario.


havent had thepleasure of fighting the fatalis yet, but im sure thatll be a fun wakeup call for me and the homie, last time i fought one was the white fatalis probably close to 6 years ago now.
yeah 2s was usually what i did back in Mop, never got super high rated. was 3 points away from 2k in 3s as well, before we took a couple day break and ele friend picked up LoL… and never came back and got it so that was pretty sad. Just hoping really ANYTHING changes with SL, i just want to enjoy pvp again man, im pretty sure im better now than when i was then, i just have no desire to do it currently

Actually I think it’s creating a more meaningful choice since power is going to no longer be a factor.

Azerite armor 2.0 here we go. weeeeeeeeeee

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Not really sure how that makes it more meaningful of a choice. If these abilities are just going to be nerfed so much we don’t even want to put them on our bars, they’re about as meaningful as some of the unpruned abilities that don’t get used at all in specific specs.

All they had to do to make this choice meaningful was to separate the actual player power from the RP. The power could have just been the leftovers of what we earned through our questing experience, but then we chose which faction to hang out with (even though that still makes no sense because we’re literally working with everyone to save everyone.)

If they had just made all of these powers a new talent row, no one would have minded how powerful they were. In fact, no one cared that the Vindicaar power ups in Argus had clear winners and clear losers, because we could change them out. If Covenant powers had been treated the same way, Shadowlands could have been spectacular.


Covenants being free to use or whatever will not make me try Mythic+ again, and will not make me do serious raiding in a guild. People made me stop doing end game besides raid finding, and I will always be casual about my experience; WoW mechanics has NOTHING to do with it, and it has everything to do with people. I find most people in raids and/or other end game content extremely pretentious, annoying, and contentious. And so, I stay away from people as much as I can unless I absolutely have to use a party to accomplish my agenda.

It didn’t used to be this way though. Only in the past 10 years or so have I abstained from end game as much as I have. I guess I just need to meet the right people; but, I digress – wow can have fun tooling around with systems that, in my eyes, just aren’t going to have the effect that they are looking for if that effect is to make people like me run more content than I actually want to. And again, it all comes down to the quality of people I encounter.

So far, even most guilds I have been in have been so full of poison or just plain negligent to other people outside of their tight inner circle, that I end up leaving within a week. To make the point again, I think I will stick to casual end game for quite some time regardless of whatever incentives Blizzard throws my way.

I can relate in a way, and while I certainly don’t wish to some presumptuous, I think given time you’ll find the right people to do content with.

I was a what you would call a “casual” back in legion (although I still consider myself casual right now in terms of playstle.) I did +15 at the end of legion and literally got my AotC I think the week before prepatch lol

I tried to raid, but I was in the same boat as you, and found a lot of progression guilds rather toxic. But I got lucky and found my current guild. Most people here are, and I have a phrase for it, “just serious enough.” We do pretty high content, without being a jerk about it one way or another. Most people are helpful, and I ended up getting my first two CEs in one expansion because of this group of wonderful people.

Keep trying and you’ll find your success.

And that is my point. It’s much more meaningful because we can pick our rp. We lose out on story, mogs, mounts. We can pick based on our character rather than our spec and what content we choose to do.

And if the only way Blizzard sees fit to do that is nerfing everything into the ground so be it. I just wish they never brought the power to begin with.

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road to 11k pog


Sadly WoW has gotten toxic. Though from my experiences it’s not more or less toxic than it was when I first started playing. Remember gearscore? Luckily I did find the right people that were, as the previous poster said, just serious enough to do the high end stuff without requiring me to “play the best spec”, and just wish I play my best; much as I want to do anyway.


Another week gone by with no news about Shadowlands.

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