Where did this “time played” thing come from? Why would Blizzard care how much time someone spends playing? As long as they’re paying their sub, time played in specific activities is meaningless. In fact, someone who pays their sub but only plays a few hours a month would be better for profit, right? Less server load and reduced queue times for other players. Blizzard still makes 100% of the subscription profit no matter how little or much someone plays during that month.
I agree with you.
But beyond just this issue, so many other changes lead to “time played” as the simple and most direct answer to why things work the way they do, especially in the absence of any communication from Blizzard.
Potentially? I think it’s more likely that a given player just…unsubs, rather than go through the headache. Obviously, some people are gonna have three mythic geared shamans ready to go, but I don’t think the majority of the playerbase will be going that hard, I think they’ll just quit.
I can’t argue with you. But given the continued dedication to a punishing system, I can only assume that Blizzard disagrees with both of us.
Yeah, maybe this is the kick in the rear they need. But, given how poorly BfA was received and the similarities between the two titles…I kinda doubt it.
That actually makes me and probably a lot of others play less .
Players : Blizz let us do it all on one toon if we want to do it on an alt we’ll roll another class and do it again
Blizz : No we think it would be better if you make alts of the same spec or alts of the same class for different specs because we fill you will all be more engaged with the content that way .
Players : Yeah don’t think so
Why been able to do it for years on one toon and not at a competitive level
You’re missing the point. Artifacts filled a gameplay hole intentionally left in the classes. Azerite armor was supposed to fix that. But aside from azerite armor just being a terrible replacement period, losing that system and having to wait until you’ve gotten a decent amount of the new system feels terrible. It detracts from the gameplay.
Yes, we’ve always had a period where expansion gear replaces the previous expansion’s gear. The difference is that the classes weren’t barebones. And more importantly, that gear wasn’t a huge portion of the kit. The classes without the borrowed power systems feel bad, which makes any gameplay without those borrowed powers feel worse.
On topic, you want them so separate the systems like you want, they would have to delay the launch at this point or have it become a buggy mess. Those who want the expansion to not be delayed need to accept the systems as they are, can’t have it both ways.
because, i think, its the only good metric left, since sub count is so low
Or they could just remove the time-gate questline to swap covenants, and make it faster to “fill a bar”.
In reality - THIS is the #Ripcord.
Pulling it doesn’t break the system in any way.
I mean he isn’t wrong. For something like this they would need to delay it or it will be buggy as hell
Removing the time-gate and increasing the contribution towards a bar is not something that would lead to delays or be buggy.
These aren’t change to the system or the interactions - they’re just adjustments to the parameters.
If it needs to be delayed then so be it. I’d much rather have a strong launch then the ones we’ve experienced in Legion/BFA
No matter what people wouldn’t be happy that they will constantly need to be changing covs. So if anything delay the game and try there best to balance what we got. Because it’s either that or it launches in the current state if they don’t do anything during this month dev time
It’s honestly might get delayed. With there complete silence right now which is strange for wow. They usually keep us up to date. I hope it gets the delay, they need more time to balance this. While I don’t think it would be perfect but any bit of balancing is better than non
No one would need to constantly change covenants, just like no one needs to constantly change talents, essences, etc. now.
The players who WANT to change them will have the option to. The players who DON’T WANT to won’t need to.
Huh. You know what your right.
I mean good luck to them but I think it’s futile to try. With how Covenants are I’m essentially forcing myself to only partake in one avenue seriously. And I think that stinks.