If you truly believe that then I have some nice beachfront property to sell you.
Or are you here to simply put words in my mouth in an attempt to troll?
If you truly believe that then I have some nice beachfront property to sell you.
Or are you here to simply put words in my mouth in an attempt to troll?
One month guys! ONE MONTH!
The ripcord is a lie!
Triple RSham, easiest glad title of my life.
They aren’t even at the numbers pass. Nothing has been numbers balanced.
Don’t you think they should start doing that like soon?
Are you anticipating they’ll be able to fix everything and have every single ability tuned to 2% in a single tuning pass? Because we’re a month away from launch here, dude.
I’m starting to think Daark and Sonechka would make a cute couple .
They could troll and throw out strawmans in blissful harmony together.
No cake and pie is a lie the only truth is
Road to 600 likes guys.
Why would they try, that isn’t a design goal.
Yeah, screw it. It’s fine that shaman can 100-0 opponents in 2 seconds flat. I see nothing wrong with that, at all. Look dude, you gotta be sweating bullets seeing stuff like this happen. Just admit that Blizzard isn’t the paragon of excellence you thought they were. Don’t stick to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.
coughs up drink
A healer being able to force a trinket/immune solo is an extremely dangerous idea to entertain.
Care to explain? Top players forget to use covenant abilities because they’re negligible, right? (Wild Spirits is a covenant ability.)
I would have liked it if each ability had all three soulbinds, but with different names for each covenant.
This way you can pick your covenant that fits you best and still have the ability to make meaningful choices without sacrificing gameplay.
Yeah, while they’re at it they should untie the covenant signature and class abilities from them as well, make them talent rows. Man, what a world it would be.
I like anything that frees up the restrictions.
Freedom. Braveheart. Down with the English.
Have fun in the daily Maw grind on classes with no extra mobility and a covenant with no mobility spell.
Welcome your new AP grind
I predict that unless they are withholding some important fun elements of the Maw in the beta, that it will become the most hated zone in WoW history.