
You cant direct feedback to the company who owns the forums from which they collect feedback?


Yes, apparently not.

It was news to me also, but me and the CoC now are on good terms. Due to my other thread having the hashtag removed and the inability to replace it there (no contact mod) this thread cannot be banned for spam or creating posts for the same topic.


So your saying that this thread is meant for discussion.

Oh wait. Before your edit, the only thing you wanted people to say was that hashtag for fake support.



Could you explain what fake support is? You either support the move to have covenants opened or you don’t.

Not sure how you’d garner true or fake support.

Maybe you don’t understand the movement well enough.



My support is very real. Calling it fake doesn’t change that.



I’m quite serious when I say I want the ripcord pulled.



Pretty quick responses from a buncha fakers right there.

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Okay, so what is the reason for you wanting the Ripcord pulled? Because you failed to describe why in the OP.

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Question: Was it ever explained what the backup plan was? Or are you guys just wishfully hoping that its better than what it is going to be currently?

Ion specifically stated it was opening the systems up.

Because I want Blizzard to embrace me wanting to play multiple forms of content.


Any plan B would be better than plan A


Because locked covenants are likely the cause of all the covenant abilities being gutted in favor of balance. Too hard to balance impactful abilities, so we make them a buncha wet noodles and noone cares which one sucks the worst.


What do you expect to happen this time around. I’d say it’s spam. I’ll report it as such. Have a nice day. This doesn’t need you making 10000000 threads on it.


Dont need you making 50⁰99990000 posts in the thread like last time either spammer.


Why would the system as it exists stop you? The soulbinds traits are meant to be bonuses, the conduit slots are the primary draw. Get 2 potency, 1 finesse and 1 defensive conduit unlocked and more times than not your solid. If you play a single spec anyway, there are only a total of 4 potency conduits per spec and 4 finesse and defensive for the entire class. So if those are nonchoices because you would only truly use maybe two of those potency conduits because they are the best thing you can get, the only functional difference is the ability. And the need to leave that one covenant sense you want the best option to be whichever one is best for shaman. have fun!



Conduits aren’t locked to covenants, so why does it matter to you if covenants are locked or unlocked? Why does it matter if we want to play around with all the abilities they’ve put in the game?

And like you said, some people play multiple roles.


I enjoy mythic progression, relatively high m+, and arena. It sucks so hard that I have to choose a covenant that will give me a boon in one, and not the others as I don’t want to let my teammates down in one piece of content, but that will lead to me letting a different set of teammates down.


Because the best covenant ability will not be shared across PvP, M+ and Raiding? For 15 years I’ve been able to be the best in all content granted I do the extra yards.

This system is stopping that. I’ll need to play with a covenant that is great in one area and bad or useless in another.


:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


It will be fine until the the first round of buffs and nerfs, then people will be fed up and leave and when they lose enough subs they will finally change it when it’s too late.