
You can like something and still want it to be better.

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simple difference and one of the biggest problems I have with this system; to see a different class hall you needed to make an alt but it was another class (so new leveling expirience, spells, fantasy etcc) you didn’t need 4 hunter’s to see the hunter’s class hall. A lot of people made alts to see the storylines and it was fairly well received (aside from the mission table time.gating).

With covenants you would have to level 4 of the same class to be able to play every aspect of your class. This is literally the problem legion artifact knowledge had that they then fixed just way worse because if you switch you actually lose progress.

If a solution to a limitation a system brings is level 4 of the same class; scrap that system, it’s not a good system.

You can also just accept the fact that you’re not in any role at Blizzard that would sway the dev team to adopt the change you want.

They literally gave me and many others beta keys and have asked for our feedback.

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He did join Method.

See, I wasn’t crazy. You’re crazy.

He’s complaining about the best expansion in the history of WoW…why am I not surprised.

Was Method going for world first in Wrath? I thought it was Paragon and Ensidia for EU and Blood Legion for NA. I actually don’t know the answer. Either way I didn’t know he was in Method at any point.

He’s actually a lot more honest about the expansion as a whole instead of the rose-tinted goggle players.

It’s his personality type. He does this every expansion.

Method didn’t really burst on the scene until like Cata/MoP IIRC.

Wrath was all about Paragon and Ensidia.

Though looking at all those old names, makes me feel like Method didn’t climb to world first through merit more than they climbed to world first by better guilds like Paragon or Ensidia dying off.

Ah I think I’m beginning to understand so you’re saying you want the option to be the best possible for every kind of content with the same class. Personally I think this type of thinking is flawed because it hinges on assuming this is the way blizzard intends shadowlands to be played but I can see where you’re coming from.

Which is weird because as far as I know, the game has never been like that. The people who find fun in being the best they can be for any given situation have never been punished for it, if you wanted to switch up something in BfA for M+, you could, then you could switch again for raiding, then for PvP. Same with Legion.
This is some new stuff their doing and it’s alienating a piece of the playerbase, which is why they’re a bit peeved about it

But they always get handouts :thinking:

Such as???

Don’t feed the troll

Sounds good, pull that ripcord! :smiley:

I’m going Night Fae no matter what, but I’d like to play around with the other abilities - they look very fun!


Bumping until pulled.


Oh hey Timba I found my notes on the Dratnos video

  • (Legion) Legendaries - Accessibility fixed from the start; customizable stats and powers

  • Azerite Armor isn’t in Shadowlands

  • Essences aren’t in Shadowlands

  • Corruptions aren’t in Shadowlands

Did someone pull the ripcord on your shirt? o.0