
Hey, someone gets it.

You guys just want covenants to be fluff. I don’t. That’s why we’re at odds.

I hope you do! I can tell you from my perspective as a Priest player I’m not looking forward to it, since the Covenant spells that are alright for Disc (BotA) don’t feel good for Shadow and vice versa.

I wouldn’t know because I haven’t experienced it yet; I don’t take other people’s word for it either. This is art and entertainment, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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No, you’re implying the only actual identity behind Covenants is their abilities and otherwise they’re meaninglessly glorified reputations with no other purpose for them than to lock out abilities and present the reasoning as “choice”.

Which would indicate you’re actually in agreement at a base level.


Would anyone at all have cared about the Aldor vs Scryer thing if they offered no rewards of any kind? Would there have been countless debates and team rivalries on the forums during the BC days? I’m looking forward to covenants because it promises the Aldor vs Scryer experience I fondly remember amped up to 11.

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Aldors vs Scryers didn’t lock actual abilities core to gameplay. Those were wholly baseline, and your choice of those factions was based on other factors. Successfully, I might add.

Wouldn’t care at all if abilities were detached from this and we were given reasons aside from player power to care.

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I’m aware, and even that little bit sparked so much controversy, debate and rivalry on the forums around that time.

Just imagine how covenants are going to be. I can’t wait. :slight_smile:

You don’t have to take people at their word. You can just look at combat logs or watch streams of people using the abilities and formulate an opinion for yourself. The information is out there.

The main question is how balance will change. Unholy Nova used to be good for both Disc and Shadow (and alright for Holy) but got absolutely butchered the way Blizzard often does balance changes. Doesn’t look terribly good for Disc anymore.

(Shadow has a weird problem with the Covenant spells as they’re all pretty undesirable, just some are more undesirable)

There’s a difference with no rewards and removing the abilities lock.
They themselves have digged that hole.
If it was mostly crafting patterns that they would offer it would have been a different thing.

People keep arguing about the concept, when the reality is just they messed it up.

I don’t read Excel Spreadsheets in order to determine if the game is going to be fun :slight_smile:

I don’t believe you. Even if it was something as small as “Night fae offers a belt plate blacksmithing recipe that’s BiS for prot warrior tanks” you guys would probably be whining and brandishing your pitchforks at that too.

You don’t talk for me.

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Which is fine. Rivalry was sparked because the reputations had actual conflict, actual hostilities, and actual meaning for content that impacted the general economy of the expansion.

As far as I’ve seen we’re not getting that. We’re getting the difficulty of switching things around and then having literal character abilities tied to them. Those abilities aren’t going to change server economies, they’re not going to spark conflicts… they’re just a reason to lock things out behind timegates.

Making Covenants meaningful sounds great, but this isn’t the way to do it.

Again. Gear recipes and other similar differences are great. They create distinctions and value to the time and effort.

Abilities… just no.

We are survivors of Battle for Abilities.

Pull the rip cord.

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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I am asking all my guildies and friends to join in the #pulltheripcord movement. We have to believe it will reach them. We must.


I don’t either. I find playing multiple specs on my character fun, personally. The way this expansion is shaping up doesn’t look like it will be very fun if one or even two of my specs is lacking a cool and powerful ability that makes playing the spec more interesting.

I play Warlock and Priest a lot. Neither of those classes have a Covenant with an ability that’s great for all three of their specs. That’s not going to be very fun for me.

I disagree, the Fleshcraft and Unholy Nova are going to be sick!

I’m glad you like it. Unholy Nova looks cool visually, but it’s very underpowered right now especially for Disc. Personally I won’t have much fun if I’m struggling in M+ because I wanted to pick a spell that looked nice.

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