And you know what, that’s fair. I don’t think that modern wow is built to accept locked covenants like this, but we shall see.
I will pick whatever I want and I will raid mythic if I decide to take raiding seriously in Shadowlands. So there you have it.
I don’t. I want to be able to choose my covenant to match the situation, but also have a downfall. If I know I’m going to have a really hard time aoe healing then I want an aoe covenant. I accept that I’m going to have a harder time healing thru ST dmg.
I push keys. There will come a time when I will need a certain covenant to progress, just like I need soul of the forest to progress in KR.
I do not want to have my progression halted 10 months into the expansion because of something I chose 10 months earlier. And before you say “dude you don’t need a specific ability to beat the boss” yes, sometimes you do. Without changing my talents in KR I literally would not have the throughput to beat it. This is for one boss fight. I am accepting an overall healing loss everywhere else in the dungeon.
Best of luck. I hope the one you choose is BiS or else you’ll be benched
Considering how lame it has been of late I think the devs should think long and hard on what they want ‘modern WoW’ to be. What it has been doing is not going to keep them going down the road.
That is not how raiding works with a good guild.
EVERYONE is capable of raiding on world first level. ANYONE can follow a guide and play their class as it best performs. There is no real skill in this game outside of PvP and even that is debatable. This is not an FPS that requires a combination of judgement, reflexes, and aim while moving. This game is scripted (raiding) and it does all the aiming for you. All you need to do is position yourself correctly and push the right button. What everyone does in this game is based on what they want to do and how much time they want to devote to it. Many players balance their real lives with their game lives and that will hinder someones ability to be a ‘world first’ raider or a ‘top ranked’ PVP person.
Ok so i guess you agree with me now. i don’t understand why you were saying before that your that someone can’t be great without being a world first raider.
Labeling me a ‘Heroic’ raider because I chose not to devote any real time to this game is exactly what you were chastising me for while labeling only the ‘world first’ players spectacular. I call them spectacular because they CAN and/or DO commit the time needed to be that good. That is what makes them spectacular.
im labelling you as a heroic raider because heroic players don’t have to deal with a bench which is something mythic raiders have to deal with when they are competing with each other within their guilds for a spot. also I never once said you were bad i just said you aren’t in a position to comment about a content you haven’t stepped foot in. This thread is about how this limits what what a player can achieve by their choice of covenant. Why should i be forced to level and gear 4 hunters just so i can be competitive with where i want to raid just because this covenant ability is important on x boss then another other one is far superior on y boss. i too, like you, have time restrictions, which limits the level of play i can achieve. If you can only raid heroic thats fine, but i can currently raid mythic at a high level, why should the level i want to raid at be gatekeep’d from me because i don’t have the time to manage 4 of the same character when currently i could in BFA because i don’t need to maintain four of the same spec.
I raid 2 days a week 3 hours a day and am working on mythic Nzoth. If you don’t have time for that idk what to tell you.
Really? I have 2 good friends who are 10/12. Both have been with the guild for a long time. One is currently benched because he plays ele shaman. The other is a DH competing for the only raid spot allowed for DH. He’s currently about 3% ahead of the other guy in dps. If he randomly chose to play with a suboptimal talent he would be benched as well. This is exactly how good guilds work? Maybe not the ones that stop at 3/12…
You’re right. They should stop letting casual players dictate how class design and content is made. Would be a hell of a lot better
Good guilds just do the best they can and have fun. If you cannot get all of mythic down o well.
Oh you mean “casual mythic guild” not good mythic guild. Those guilds tend to be absolutely abysmal to play in. I know, I’ve done it. You wipe hundreds of times into the same boss that everyone else farms because they don’t force people to be optimal, and then the whole guild gets so frustrated that they quit. That’s how that goes. Usually happens at the 4th or 5th boss. Wiping into the same boss for 3 months sound fun to you?
That is not how raiding works with a good guild.
that is exactly how it works for top end guilds. Method is an extreme example but in legion the people they had in their raid team were the people that had their bis legendaries on. And not all guilds can have players which level 4 alts to have have all the options along with good gear, so they choose to bring their players with the most optimal damage for the fight, which will be the people that picked their covenant for raiding, not for looks or other content in high end guilds. Good luck raiding at a top 500 level with a covenant ability you got cause you liked the cosmetic options of that covenant.
Pushing people and forcing them to play certain specs is not a sign of a good raiding guild. It is a sign of a bunch of people who forgot how to have fun. Plus you can always clear mythic later on in the expac when it is no longer relevant.
I never said anything about top end guilds being good guilds, I meant the environment and people being able to play whatever they want.
That is a single way that ‘good guilds’ can operate. They can also bring their ‘core’ that has been with them for a long time and find ways to make it work. Not getting cutting edge is not the end of the world. Now if they joined the guild going in knowing that the expectations were whatever the current FotM was would get priority then that is fine. Each guild can run their guild how they see fit. I think most players who have had to ‘ride the pine’ would likely be happier not sitting and going 8/12 than sitting and watching the guild get 12/12. I can only speak for me though.
We shall. If every player was as civilized as you in their debates, then I wouldn’t even begrudge players their victory if Blizzard sides with them instead. I would’t buy the expansion and would just play another MMO that is more RPG, but at least I’d know where Blizzard stands. Right now, I still have hope that they can turn this game around for players like me.
I truly hope that they can make it work for both of us. I, like you, will probably not last long if covenants are locked.
People playing what they want does not often end in success at the highest levels, so the second half of mythic. To me, it would not be fun playing the covenant I liked aesthetically and then being punished by poor dps or being sat. But I guess some people don’t mind.
And these guilds tend to miss CE or barely scrape it. Not to mention if you’re carrying someone through content as hard as Mythic it breeds a alot of resentment. You can be great friends but if you wipe into a boss 50 times and it probably could’ve been Downed but you’re soft carrying 3 or 4 people that creates a lot of tension. Killing bosses is the whole point of doing Mythic, you don’t really do it to goof around with friends. If people are doing that it becomes very tiresome very fast
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guild that is going for end game progression that just has people playing whacky specs
usually at that point in the game most people make a few scarifies for the betterment of progress
Which is why Blizzard should be tailoring content that favors many flavors. M+ and Torghast are endless treadmills, so using the most ‘optimal’ build would still be relevant.
Blizzard has to get rid of this ‘optimal or die’ notion.
I don’t even play this game 6 hours a week. It’s just not fun enough with all the changes Blizzard has made to the game. Locking races, essences, flying, and running visions behind reputation grinds that are done through WQ’s is not how I want to spend my free time. Whereas in the past, I unlocked races with expansion purchase, flying with gold, and any power progression came from the normal path of normal dungeon, heroic dungeon, normal raids, and then heroic raids. No rep grinding or dailies needed to compete in that content.
If the next expansion changes that, then the time I have to allot to the game will also change. I’d love to get back into progression content, but the game as it is right now doesn’t cater to players of my tastes.
You probably play way more than 6 hours a week too. That, or you’re younger or more naturally gifted at the game than I am. I’m 39 years old, so to play at the level I need to with the amount of mechanics going on in raids these days, I have to practice to have the skill required to not get blown up by mechanics while trying to maintain my rotation. My career and maintain relationships outside of work is more important to me than dedicating that kind of time into a game that doesn’t further my real life goals. Gaming is a hobby, so while I may be able to maintain a skill level required for heroic, mythic is likely out of my reach regardless of how the game pans out.