#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

Why do players not see they themselves are part of the problem. Yes the ultimate issues goes to Blizzard for being so poor at balancing their game. Players share in some of the blame too. When you know something is obviously broken and then every player rushes to stack said broken effect it is no wonder Blizzard then applies the nerf stick. Then players find the next most broken thing and Blizzard follows suit again. This whole idea that everyone needs to be absolutely optimal is a poison. I am tired of trying to explain this but the game is not balanced around that level of min/maxing. Yes high end content requires you to build your character correctly… but having the wrong ‘supplementary effects’ that are not tied to your actual class or spec will not make any content impossible. Like I have said before, yes they impact world first… but beyond that they do not lock anyone else out of content.