#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

You get enough flexibility in the form of gear, specs and talents. We can have one choice that’s permenant. You’ll learn to deal.


True, Leave Rip Cord

Sad Blizz just will cave in

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We do have a permanent choice, It’s called my class and I picked it when i made my character.

I picked a shaman, not a night fae shaman.


Why would we want a choice to be permanent in a malleable game? It doesn’t make sense to me. Blizzard is gonna drop tuning patches on us on top of not allowing us to use our brains to adapt to any scenarios.


I just really don’t like that even though they have four uniquely themed covenants with all sorts of unique cosmetic choices, none of that matters. It’s going to be impossible to pick the covenant you want to play based on it’s theme or it’s cosmetics, you have to pick the one with the best power.

I hate that. Please pull the damn ripcord.


I sincerely hope they do not do this. Just gotta keep speaking up and telling Blizzard that some of us are looking forward to the system as is.

Don’t have to pick night fae. You’ve got three other good choices to pick from. :slight_smile:

I’m seeing a lot of reasons for flexibility. I agree with this statement.

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Not everything in the game is malleable. We can’t change our classes without rerolling and starting over, for one. And that is honestly fine. Same deal with covenants.

Wish you best of luck, too many just are loud enough to carry it 'till Blizz do it. I don’t want them to budge an inche myself.

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But, there is malleability within the class choice via spec. So that’s not as rigid as you think either. Derp, also talents, I’m dumb.

  1. Can Change Talents
  2. Can Change Specs
  3. Could change Azerite power
  4. Could change Essences
  5. Could change corruptions

I could do all these exceptionally easily, why are we going the opposite direction now?

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Entitled are we?

That’s such a cop-out, If i give you the choice of 4 dinners for 15 years then all of a sudden I force you to pick 1 type of dinner and stick with it for two years, asking why you lost the 3 other choices doesn’t make you entitled.

It’s so your choice of dinner is meaningful, Vash

You don’t know what entitled and cop out means. That’s nice to know. Go back and then come back when you have the right definition.

Entitled is believing you’re owed something, such as a locked covenant. A cop out is avoiding an issue instead of responding in kind, such as calling someone entitled for having a different opinion.

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ah yes. The very thing I want to see instead of Meta people wanting covenants broken apart so they can enforce cookie cutter builds in groups.

You don’t get by school well I guess.

Are you sure about that? Maybe you should be the one checking the internet for definitions.

But please don’t stop replying, you’re keeping the thread at top of the forums so you’re indirectly supporting the #PullTheRipcord movement.

Many thanks.

You are delusional if you think a pug group is going to take a feral because he’s night fae when they could wait 15 seconds longer for a meta class that has the covenant they want.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but DPS are dime a dozen.

Explain my error Mr. Teacher. I dont want to make the same mistake in the future. By the way, this exchange is another great example of a cop out.



No, entitled is wanting something else to suit your needs. Blizzard is giving us locked covenants and you people are throwing hissy fits over it. You’re the real entitled ones.