#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Farming gear is not new, so I was a little befuddled on why farming for gear is now a struggle.

I argue about Covenants because WoW takes a single step out of the bland crap that was WoD and the world is ending.

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You called me a racist. Why should I even bother acknowledging you anymore? lol

Farming gear is fine, gear being locked by a resource that takes 2 months to acquire per piece is not. I’m not sure what this has to do with covenants anyway.

Don’t think anyone is advocating for Covenants to be removed, fam.

Edit: Ah, this goes back to borrowed power. Gear that needs further weeks to be unlocked fully. It goes to show how convoluted the system was, I couldn’t even figure out which complaint was being discussed.

Azerite. Corruptions is another layer to the frustrated systems of just one expansion. I’m hoping we don’t have to repeat it again.

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Ah, so you could see the future and not respond to my comment made well before that. Truly your power is beyond reckoning!


It doesn’t, it’s just Aethir being dumb.

What gear are you talking about though? The corruptions you can buy through coalescing visions?

No, but the level of hyperbole over a simple choice is palpable.

The fact that Blizzard is already forming an escape plan, gives this issue more validity than defenders will ever admit.

That point alone is enough to give me hope. There’s no reason to argue it further. Keep bumping the thread for myself and others, it’s a fine way to bring attention to the subject.


Ah. I didn’t really have a problem with that, since other MMO’s have similar systems.

All good, each to their own. I believe there’s a solution available to make us both happy. Thanks for bumping the thread.

You realize Covenants aren’t changing at launch, right?

I think you just want to get under my skin. I won’t let it affect me. Feel free to bump away.


D’okay. Bump.

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How many of you have actually tested the covenants on Beta? I bet most of you havn’t. The system is terrible. Some of us want to play all aspects of the game without these ridiculous continous borrowed power scenarios.

If i want to be viable as MW in raiding i have to pick Kyrian, if i want to PvP i have to pick Venthyr etc. in BFA i can do both but i have to farm seperate gear sets but that is atleast doable. Farming 2 or 3 sets of gear is reasonable but things like corruption make it straight up annoying. In Shadowlands i can’t have 2 covenant abilities at the same time.

I’ve tested every single healer on the beta and when i want to dps it feels terrible using some of the covenant abilities i’m “forced” to take.

Also i loved BFA launch where i had to refarm new pieces of azerite every week after week 1 of Uldir launch because one trait was way above the rest. So much fun! Feedback was given about these traits in Beta and nothing changed. But after we put in effort to get the gear NEEF TIME.

Delete borrowed power. Balance classes properly. And fix shaman ffs.


You made a racist statement or if you prefer xenophobic just as bad. So if it looks like a duck quacks like a duck and smells like a duck well chances are it’s a duck.




I picked this one as a random example but it is mentioned numerous times. I’d like to ask you to expound on this idea if you would not mind. If all players are given the same options and constraints then what about the system is presenting an unfair playing field? To portray this situation as “unfair” would there not have to be some advantage presented to a subset of the players that is not available to the whole? I understand that this assertion is not the totality of your dislike for the covenant system, but it seems like a rather suspect portion of the whole.

That’s a nice polite attitude, thank you for that. I can’t speak for another but I believe that it is a trap more so than a choice.

A choice that restricts you to one area of play in a game that can require you to play in multiple formats is not one I wish to make. Not all Classes and specs play equally too.

I’m looking forward to more replies this post brings. It’s a good post to continue discussion civilly :slight_smile:.

It was written by the entire russian class discord community. So they could have mass upvoted the thread.

There are like 50,000+ people on each class discord. I’m sure if they all banded together for some class issue, they could get massive likes as well.

Just delete the Covenant class abilities, Blizzard. They serve no purpose other than to cause problems with balance throughout the expansion.

Can we just go back to fun class/spec design and leave these throwaway systems behind for good? Pretty please?


Do their votes not count?


blizzard needs to not have ballance and go out of their way to make all dungeons and raid content NOT be possible to make the perfect group for ANY content.