#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

The biggest disappointment of developer goals, imo.



I have no clue what you are talking about

Literally the same comp, same strat, some choreographed dance.

Not exactly hard.

Well I can’t really attest to any of the other expansions.

But Battle for Azeroth was the first time I felt PvE, PvP AND the Narrative were all significantly downgraded from previous expansions.

And is the only expansion I have actively cancelled my sub through and just didn’t play. Not even WoD did that to me.

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totally dude.

Stay mad bruv. There’s always PvP if you want something really challenging.

Every single unbalanced system that blizz has put out that people have used the same excuse since legion.

i bet you’re really good there, too. those pulls you do in your checks highest ran dungeon +4 are nothing compared to the things you pull off in pvp

cuz it aint hard for you!


Of course not, that actually takes skill, so there’s a steep curve.

But you keep playing with your AI and your snap pulls and you beast cleave. Must be really hard for a lvl 81.

Legendary weapons were crap too, which was fully exposed when BFA launched.
But again something we had to deal with.

kek the rogue with a +4 and without a single aotc in history is talking about skill


Agreed I messed it up sorry let me fix it.

fixed :slight_smile:

World PVP, lots and lots of World PVP. Aerial PvP, Ground PVP, Water PVP.

Meaningful crafting that has an impact.

Kek the ‘cutting-edge’ players get intimidated by a single Covenant choice and cry for a difficulty nerf.

Those AOTC achieves seems a lot less impressive knowing that you can’t handle simple things.

fyi i got to 2.2k in arena just by messing around after prog was over on nzoth

it’s not that hard lmao there are a lot of bad players to farm rating on

At lvl 81?! Wow, that is impressive. Let me know when it actually happens instead of in your fanfiction.

I really want to have faith that they pull this off, but the recent record is a bit iffy.

Covenants looked like a cool idea to me until I saw an analysis for Mistweaver (my main) that showed one was producing a 30% HPS benefit over the others. Sure they still have balancing to do, but 30% feels less like a tuning issue and more like a core problem with the concept.

Guess we will see, because history seems to be showing the implementation of half baked borrowed power systems is all this game is anymore. Don’t like this one, wait 6 months and we will stack another broken system on top of it…


You got low standards, I didn’t play through the last three expansions cuz they were bad.

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It has nothing to do with being intimidated rofl. It has to do with blizzard being absolute trash at balancing this game and being limited in what I can do by more than just class choice and on a per fight basis via talent choices. There are already more than enough things to cause choice.

