#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

WoW, that’s pretty bad! In Classic, the talents you choose do not cause that much a difference and you can even change them every once in a while by resetting them at a trainer.

I still do not understand though why the covenants are not united against the jailer.


You can change Covenants, too.


I love that you’re saying this because a lot of pro-covenants people are referring to “old wow” as a reason to bring these “rpg” elements back.

They’re so clueless it’s insane


When has it ever been like this?

Being the best at everything has always been an option left to the player to decide if they wanted to go the extra mile in terms of gold, enchants, gems, extra set of gear, trinkets.

Yet now we don’t even have the option? Why would you advocate taking choice away from the player in an expansion telling everyone they are bringing back culled abilities.


Well I suppose that they could make a big DPS difference if that is what you are referencing, but what I mean is the play style is almost exactly the same. Like one talent you choose will never be 50% of your spells in Classic, there are so many good ones. I don’t really do any of the hard things that would require me to do a lot of damage, I have never done the Heroic raiding like you all.

Saying this without acknowledging the gigantic elephant in the room that you can change easily once* is such poor form.


Preach it. I’m sure they will allow the failure to move forward due to pride and arrogance but at least some spoke up before hand.



The story of every single borrowed power system since Legion.

Very sad.


Vanilla-BC, maybe Wrath? My memory’s a little hazy. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, I’m still fine with them trying it.

You can cycle easily once through each Covenant with some task/cost involved with going back.

So no, it’s poor form to claim you can change once.


You will never get these devs to admit they’re wrong.

Not until it collapses on them.


Bro if swapping covenants was a simple cost like respecing azerite nobody would complain lmao

However that’s not the case, so…


You must have missed the part where I played and raided in both those expansions. I had pvp gear and all i needed to change my spec was some meaningless amount of gold which was basically a joke.

Made it easier for you to read.

Sorry other people try to misquote me in other threads but it ain’t going to happen here matey.


I have a question. How will it be to swap covenants? The first time you join one will they welcome you in, and then if you try to rejoin them, I heard that you do a quest or something to regain your honor and trust with them. Is the quests one of those long ones that will be like the MoP scenarios or will it be a whole quest line or what?

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It’s gonna be a timegated thing. Around a few weeks long.


They didn’t like the gold cost being ignorable.

Made it easier for you to read. Or are you implying an asterisk covers all your bases there?

Edit: Ah, see what you’re saying. Nope, you’ll still easily be able to change 3-4 times, depending on how you’re counting the original pick.

Afaik we don’t know the exact mechanic yet.

They always say that. “You can change covenants :woozy_face:


Oh, that seems very annoying imho. I suppose that the covenants must be very aggressive towards each other. Do you know if it will be possible to be a quadrupole agent where you secretly join all the covenants in the end and get all of the abilities? I think that it would be fun for everybody!

Because you can and implying you can’t is disingenuous. I’d love to talk about the actual mechanic involved in switching back. Has that been announced yet?

Wait, what? Hasn’t this always been the case, even with class/spec balancing?

If you want to be a PVP god, you’re going to need to be a druid or pally. If you want to have PVE dominance, you’re going to want to shoot for hunter or demon hunter. And even then certain raids favor different specs; Crucible of Storms had entire raids stacked with shadow priests, even though shadow priests were consistently terrible in just about all other forms of content throughout BFA.

Why are we treating covenant choice any different from class or spec choice? There is no one true path that will lead one player who mains one toon to be a god in virtually all forms of content, and the system isn’t designed to facilitate this. Why are we pushing for additional homogenization in an MMORPG?


And you implying that you don’t know what people mean when they talk about covenant switching is even more disingenuous.