Cue “But I don’t know where the entrance is!!”
Always a fantastic indication of how useless they are going to be and die to every mechanic. Being incapable of simply following others also means they’re gonna buttpull half the dungeon by mistake.
Cue “But I don’t know where the entrance is!!”
Always a fantastic indication of how useless they are going to be and die to every mechanic. Being incapable of simply following others also means they’re gonna buttpull half the dungeon by mistake.
Look let’s not rule out all of this just because of the OP. I enjoy a certain measure of sitting on my butt and being catered to.
Being fanned and served grapes by beautiful elves? Yes.
We need a mount that we can use to summon ourselves to the raid
Blizzard should remove summoning stones from the game (and from warlocks, too). No summons, no expectation of them.
Go. To. The. Instance.
Too many lazy people expect a summon.
I mean honestly at this point maybe they should. The laziness is real lol.
Beat me to it
I haven’t noticed but only because I’m usually the one summoning.
You know at some points arguments that were relevant “back then” are not relevant to the current issue at hand. If the OP is complaining about WoW Classic they should be on the Classic Forums, not General Discussion (Retail) forums. If the OP is complaining about Vanilla, that ship sailed like 20 years ago.
Feels like putting “SW Dev” on my resume, when I haven’t done actual SW dev for 15+ years.
Well, ideally ppl would start cardio when grp/raid is formed, grab lock at stone if they have one, then summon the rest of raid in the instance, meanwhile ppl who hadn’t arrived keep running.
And yeah, if you are somehow briefly busy in rl (eg. wife aggroed, boss calling) it’s OK to ask for summon politely. But bcs-me-tank/healer-me-no-move-u-summon sh!t shouldn’t happen anyway. Sadly the great mighty WoW community of (self proclaimed) pro gamers is also a cesspool of colorful trashes, you just get used to those sh!ts or play the game with your rl friends.
This is about summoning stones and their importance and demand at different points in WoW’s history.
Nah, I always summon people. I’m usually at the stone trying to summon when others fly by and go inside. I find it odd that people don’t pay attention. Good assumption, though.
Being summoned is a privilege not a right.
I like to get it started as soon as possible rather than wait a few minutes for those who are flying. So many people are content sitting inside for an indefinite amount of time.
I assume that I won’t be summoned.
People should at least start making their way to the dungeon so that the first two to arrive can use the summoning stone. Anyone Who uses a streamer as a role model for toxic behavior is an idiot. This is the reason I hated LFG/LFR. Too many random moments where people cannot be held accountable for their actions.
A long time ago, Penny Arcade had a strip about what happens when people have anonymity on internet. It still rings true today in some cases.
I get it lol because my opinion of people on the Internet would get me banned from this very forum.
Can’t wait till next season when people ask for summons to the rookery lmao.