Pugs need their own BG queue

Pugs need their own wsg queue. there is more premades right now then pugs. tired of losing to premades. its not fun.

if premades like premades they should have no issues vsing other ones. if its truly popular and preffered they will flock to it. maybe give 4 marks for a premade win and 3 marks for a pug win.


This will just increase que times there is already a system in place that prefer premade vs premade, but majority of these premades are not very good and you can beat them as a pug pretty easy. Its the townhall give up attitude that loses game more then anything.


I just joined a game which had the opposite team with 300hks because the premade would not cap the last flag. Because we could not kill them, people would leave meaning the premade team would get fresh hks again from new people joining, and the process repeats.
I was really hoping for minor improves to classic, but it seems we have just been given the 2004 version with no time caps on battlegrounds and no damage or healing metres.
People tell me to go play retail but I think many are forgetting this is not classic - we have that already… This is a new altered version with different spells etc, however, most of the game feels the same.


Solo pug only queue please.


Nah dude. Just stop with this. We run premades on Horde side that have literally never lost a game. It’s just an EZ mode honor farm compared to queueing solo.

Solo players don’t deserve to be fodder.


Our 3man claps premades all day long, most premades are complete garbage.


No one cares about your elite 3 man barely beating bad premades. This is about solo pugs having a fair game against other solo pugs.


None cares about your pugs giving up the second they see a premade. This game is not fair deal with it.


Its fair if you make it fair. You just dont want to lose premades so you can keep stomping pugs, Mr unskilled


Good luck getting healers in a pug only game

kek when i am in a pug against another pug I am disapointed, I prefer to go against a premade regardless if i am in one myself. Again most classic players are atrocious at the game and I can solo cap them or at least make the game very hard for them. I dont stomp pugs those games are boring to me. Again there is already a system in the game that prioritize premades against another premade making the rules more strict will only increase que times once seasonal players quit the game. Please stop trying to change stuff, just because you gave up and got stomped.

Literally my favorite part of wsg is stomping premades as a pug or 3-5man, dont try to force me to play against noobs everytime i want to solo que.


THere will be a separate q, so you can play against premades all you want.

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Its a good thing that devs never read these forums. Because splitting the que could maybe work now when there is one BG and a SoD fresh hype, but overall it would be terrible for the future que times later on in the game.

Anyway go que up your once a week warsong and leave the forums alone.

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Alliance player exuding the privilege of being a knife-eared flag runner, still suffering from “phase 2 2019” PTSD (a complete overexaggeration)

I play horde on SoD and not a druid.

Honestly I avoid Battlegrounds because of how many premades there are and how bad they dominate. Basically 1/5 chance you sign up to be pummeled and abused, and I’m no masochist.

It just isn’t fun to get griefed for so long, nor is it truly a challenge to just steamroll and graveyard camp people.

World Pvp has proven more fun (minus ashenvale event). Only looking forward to turtle AV at this point.


I joined WSG on my priest last night, each team was pug, each had 2 priests. The horde players focused me down with warrior, hunter, rogue. Other priest was dotting and penancing the enemy team.

Our 5 paladins were busy trying to beat on hunters, while leaving their priests to freecast.

That was the end of my pug wsg experience, guild only from now on.

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You sound like a really fun guy to be around. It isn’t surprising to me that you would have 3-4 friend that want to join you in stomping out premades. Not surprised at all…
That being said the issue with premades in reality is not necessarily that one of us isn’t good enough but rather it depends also on the skill level of all the others that end up on our team of whom we have no control.
Anyways go get those premades buddy! You’re doing us inferior gamers a service…

Edit: You sound like a douchebag


I do think it would make the experience more enjoyable, but the queue times would suffer so idk what the best decision would be.