Pugging as Shadow

How difficult will it be to pug KSM as shadow?

I’ve been cycling through alts and getting them to 2k then switching to a different one. Currently working on a guardian Druid but I’m also kind of missing my shadow priest.

However I’m a little hesitant to play it again because I don’t hear good things about it (at least in regards to pugging). So I thought I would ask those of you that still play it; Am I looking at an uphill battle that’s doable? Or should I just avoid it all together? Mind you I’ll be pugging the entire thing

if its geared already via raid / friend ran M+ you might have more luck but swapping and healing would probably get you more invites this season as i havent really seen many shadow priests in all my runs. either that or just always run your key as shadow and then you choose who to invite

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getting to 2k you would have no issues, if you can gear relatively quickly. But if your goal was to then get to 3k, different story.

Take advantage this week…even when Shadow is bad an extra mass dispel is always welcome during Bursting.

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This is probably the best week to play priest so if you’re ever going to do it now is the time to push. You’ll get some invites to keys above where you should be purely for your mass dispel.