Hello wonderful people. I’m planning to have a little public event and everyone is invited!
We will be gathering in Ratchet on April 2, at 8:30 PST. We’ll have a variety in excess of the following: snacks, drinks, a fireworks show to remember and two (count 'em), TWO whole transmog contests! With rewards.
The first contest will be for newbies with limited transmog options, and the second will be for all comers, and each will have a reward of 300 gold to the first place winner, 200 gold to the second place winner, and 100 gold to the third place winner. We will also have a transmog NPC on-site for last minute changes if you need them!
If you would like to be involved in the transmog contest, please mail me at this character on Sentinels and let me know which contest you’re applying for.
If you just want to come hang out, everyone is welcome! Alliance and Horde! Come celebrate the Spring with us!