Public Crafting Orders (only allotted one a day even if it says more) Bugged

Still not fixed…

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I had available work orders on three different characters. I did a work order, it updated the time remaining til next work order as being 14 hrs. I decided oh thats not bad, I can do stuff tomorrow when i get on then, still. So then I log onto an alt, and same thing, except this one says 19 hrs. Another char right after said 21 hrs. It’s terribly unclear and really kfdsl;ajfkds frustrating.

Can’t believe this is still not fixed…

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Still not fixed, one order ate two orders. How is this STILL A THING OVER A MONTH LATER?


Tailor PUBLIC craft count usage STILL bugged, and per above many others.

Has Blizzard even acknowledged it??

I get this all the time on Alchemy and Inscription. I have multiple screen shots of it. It will say I have 4 orders and then go down to 2 after one craft. Sometimes it will say I have -2 (negative 2) or more hours before my next public order is available. I’ve seen it say as low as -10.

The crafting orders seem to be working as intended now, does it seem like it’s fixed for everyone else?

No, I still have the problem. This morning it said I had 4 orders available. I did one public order, and now I have 1 order available.

Confirmed that it is not fixed. I still have the issue.

Had 4 orders available on both inscrip and jc just now, crafted one order for each, and both of them dropped to 1 available. Ate 3 orders on BOTH, ffs.

As of 10.0.7, the issue still exists. I am only able to fulfill ONE public order per day. :frowning:


Still not fixed lol

Same story for me (on my EU account). I get only one single public crafting order per day.

1 public order every 24 hours is a horrible design…