Public Crafting Orders (only allotted one a day even if it says more) Bugged

So crafting orders (public) were nerfed from 20 down to 4. I have not been able to even do 4 in a day because the system just uses my charges on non-existent things. Today I was able to do ONE order and apparently won’t get another for 21 hours. What in the world is happening?

So, this is still an issue and it’s getting weirder. I only am getting 1 crafting order a day instead of the new limit of 4. I currently have 1 available and when I checked a few minutes ago it said that I would get a new one in 1h. I just checked again and it said that I would get a new one in 2 hours. I still only have 1 available. This makes absolutely zero sense.

So I did the one public order and now it says I have 20 hours until another in available. Bugged af.


Same issue, completing one order uses up anywhere from one to four of the available daily public orders. They also aren’t recharging correctly, I didn’t get any new available orders today and it currently says -2 hours until next order available.


Public orders just recharged and I have ONE order available for the day. Can this please get some attention? I put in a ticket and got the form letter response.

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Copy and pasting from my comment in another thread because I think I may have figured it out

So from what it looks like (because I remember this happening at 20 orders as well) - you don’t actually get 4 orders a day, you get 1 per day. 4 is just the cap. And back when it was 20 you got 5 a day, 20 being the cap.

However the UI will sometimes show you at max orders (or more than you “should” have), and I did the math in my head and it makes sense if this is the case.

On Tuesday I actually had 4 orders, and I did indeed use all of them, so was at 0. With getting 1 a day I would have been at 2 (on Thursday) but it showed me at 4. So I then crafted something which dropped me to 1, which if I was actually supposed to be at 2 that makes sense.

So I’m guessing that the orders you have available is just refreshing the max amount / a higher amount than what “should be” happening, and crafting something resets the number to what “should actually” be there.

I say all that in quotes because as far as I’m aware, we’re supposed to get 4 orders a day. If it’s intended to actually only be 1, that’s beyond asinine.


I just had two orders show as available, completed one order and now have zero orders available. This is leading me to believe that they are either too stupid to figure out their own system, or they nerfed it to 1 a day and didn’t tell anyone.


Same here. It showed I had 4 orders remaining, crafted one draconic treatise and orders remaining went down to 1. I definitely did not craft 3 for the G that was received.


Bumping this since it’s obviously still a problem. I was only allotted one order again today.


Let me help you keep this high so we can hopefully get either a Post or a Fix for it


Just happened to me. I had 2 public orders remaining, so I chose one from the list and now it shows 0 orders remaining, with the next one available in 5 hours. It should show 1 available.


Orders reset and I have ONE available again today. Going to continue to bump this until a blue gives an answer. This is obviously not isolated.


Also having this issue, my Orders Remaining displayed as 2, I completed 1 crafting order and was then at 0. Yesterday it displayed 4 available orders, and then returned to 0 after 1 completed order.

Reports of guildmates also having the same issue, but there does not seem to be any consistency to it.


Finally received a ticket response today saying that if I thought I had found a bug, to post in the bug report forum. Yup, this is a bug, YUP, it needs attention. How many more maintenances are we going to go through before someone does something about it? Or are we just going to get more gray/white transmog first?

As of today I can STILL only do ONE public order.

Since I cannot post again until someone else does…
Still bugged even after the long drawn out maintenance again today. Thanks for doing what matters, Blizz.

Had TWO orders show as available today and thought “oh cool, maybe they fixed this”. I did ONE public order and now have ZERO orders available. Still broken. This is furthermore a problem since there is now a task to “Fulfill Crafting Orders” for the Trading Post and if we’re only getting 1 a day because it is bugged, some of us are very limited while others are able to move ahead more easily. You added a broken feature to another “feature”.


Same this has happened to me since they brought it down to 4 per day. Sometimes I have 2 sometimes I have 3 or even 4 and anytime I do any public orders it drops to 0.

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Bump same issue is affecting me

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This is still happening and has yet to be addressed by Blizzard. We’re going into our THIRD WEEK with it like this.

Still an issue and we’re about to enter the fourth week.


Bump still broken


Bugged for me too with inscription public orders.


Bump, still broken for me as well. It currently says “-22 hours remaining until more orders are available.” -22 hours? so i should have had another order available 22 hours ago?

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Still having this same issue. It says I have 3 orders available, but if I do 1, I’ll have zero (math is hard). It also says that I will get another in -25 hours.

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Today I logged in and it said I had 4 orders available. I crafted one public order and now it says I only have 2 public orders remaining. Is anyone at blizzard even looking into this bug? Maybe they should just switch it back to the original 20 orders max because that didn’t seem to be bugged at least.

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