PTR: Wrathion vs Wrathion

So apparently one of the time dailies involves 5 different Wrathions fighting with each other.

It actually looks like a fun mess to be honest, and gives us a bit more of a glimpse at what goes on in Wrathions head, like we saw in the short story, as opposed to the hotheaded mess he was during DF proper.


I love how he acknowledged his mistakes in causing the very Legion invasion he was warning against.

Im still unimpressed that he sat it out, but pleased that he admitted it.


I’m still baffled by his campaign staff insisting it was all a brilliant 4d chess plan. Because ultimately it lead to the defeat of the Legion.

Which I maintain is like thanking Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassin for the moon landing.


I just view it as them being fanatical loyalists or having that “my side is always right because of x” mentality.


When you can convince people that you are so right that they’ll risk their lives, they’ll do whatever mental gymnastics required to put them in the right

True. But these were campaign workers. Your job is to convince other people to drink the koolaid.

And if I was on the team frankly first thing I’m doing is telling Wrathion to tone it down. Just being way too overly familar with people.

Frankly I would’ve focused on the opponent’s Outland connections. Seriously he wants to be the Earthwader of Azeroth but how long has he even lived here?

Outland is literally falling apart. That’s not a good look for someone running for the Earthwarding department if you ask me.

My friend just said that Wrathion does have so much ego that this many of him would count as a pride parade, which I thought was a funny pun that went well with the article title Wowhead went with.