(PTR) OL set is worse than garbage

You’re calculating on opportunity proc modifier. It’s legit 1% without combo point modifiers for the 2 piece bonus

Pistol shot base hits for like 600-1500 damage range with no modifiers.

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idk where yall getting your info from, but the 2pc outlaw set is legit 10-11% dps increase if the pistol shots give you combo points. 5-6% if it doesnt. the 4pc on the other hand, needs tuning. like hands down, bake the ace azerite trait to it and boom its fixed

Because you’re being dumb and looking at pistol shots from logs where people use it with opportunity buffs and probably sims with it as well. Pistol shot does not hit hard without the double damage buff. It’s not going to be a double damage pistol shot.

Go hit a target dummy about 25 times, it’ll average around 1.1k damage per shot.

So perfect world where it gives you combo points without wasting a single one.

27k-50k damage of pistol shots
40-80k dispatch damage

It’s a bunch of badly designed set bonuses.


its literally free damage, of course no one is gonna use unbuffed pistol shots.

but you get a free vanilia pistolshot (with the possibility of a cp) every now and then as you main gauche. beating a target dummy around 4mins yielded about 100+ main guache procs. if were doing napkin math, we got 25 pistol shots that procs from my main gauches. thats 25 combo points free. rough estimate. not even factoring ambi conduit which increases your main guache chance by 20% max conduit rank during blade flurry. which means a potential of more pistol shot procs. not to mention celerity and haste bonuses from gear bloat which means more auto attacks, ss, and dispatches, gs, etc etc. and if you realllly want to get crazy, evasion procs main gauche with each dodge so thats more potential pistol shots. thats alot of free damage and combo points funneling in your outlaw rogue. thats a huge damage increase because its like our own version of subs shadow tech passive. in reality the strength of the 2pc isnt the free vanilia pistol shots, (even tho it will add up cause its literally free extra damage) its strength is in the amount of raw combo points your gonna get.

as for the 4pc, if they add bonus damage to bte once you hit 6 bullets or add a charge OR make it cost. you can legit cal lthat a decent bonus too. considering your going to be flooded with 4pc bullets from pistol shot 2pc, and if blunderbuss lego gets fixed. you might be seeing a blunderbuss or greenskin meta along with quick draw talent.

and all of this on my venthyr dreadblades build. imagine if i went full meta with kyrian alac and mfd. my mainguaches would probs be 15-20 more. you are gravely underestimating how often mg procs.

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First off, when I saw the set bonus I thought it was cool and great. It was fun thematically but it just falls apart when you look at the math.

You don’t have to imagine anything regarding the number of main gauche procs with alacrity, MFD. Just open warcraft logs and pull some logs looking at talents and damage done. You won’t find anyone running the main gauche conduit though, it’s only 5.4% additional proc but there’s a chance this is better because of the set bonus.

I saw ~600 procs in a M+ dungeon was a nice easy approximation of the data across a few logs.

150 pistol shots
1.5k average damage (if they are quick draw, take their average and divide by 2.5 other wise divide by 2)
8k dispatch average

465k total damage over a M+ run. That’s just flat out not good enough. The set has potential in a pvp setting but it’s probably going to break CC randomly, so it’s already bad in that sense.

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There is no indication that it will give you combo points.
And also, you are just as likely to proc bonus at 5CB as at 1CB. Not all cbs granted (f at all) will be used. When you play OL, you count your CBs. At least I do to minimize waste. With random procs, it all go goes down the drain.

Yes, this not only adds extra GCD to an already one of the highest APM rotation (OL is 2nd or 3rd highest IIRC), but then you also have to give up 1/2 crucial conduits that battle RtB rng. idk if you have played Outlaw…But RtB is the prime factor whether you do 10k single target or if you do 4k single target.

you really need to stop the exaggerated 4k vs 10k argument for rtb rng. it’s not that wide. I can afk and do 4k dps st with just auto attacks and procs.

There is quite a difference between
Sin-Dis-Sin-Dis-Sin-Dis rotation vs Sin----wait----Sin----wait----Sin----wait----Sin-----wait----Dispatch.

not as much as you think. just trust me on this

I don’t need to “trust” you on this. I am rogue. Not some +2 M+ and 5/10 Normal clear with 10 hours of play time.

Also, keep in mind, you are wielding PS fist & dagger. I haven’t had luck with either one of those.

And like that I know you haven’t played outlaw, rtb isn’t that much of a damage seasaw anymore

If only you had the means to open my armory, search me up on RIO.…oh wait.

If you look at the conduits in wowhead you notice that they go up to rank 12ish. Arguably these last ranks will be available in the last patch. Ambi scales to 20% with its last rank.

It’s free damage and cp, not to mention it has the potential to synergies with other talents and such. Maybe you should read the outlaw portion of the rogue reaction article on wowhead

There is no indication on whether or not pistol shot bonus will generate CB.
On top of that, even if CB’s are to be generated with procs, there is a good chance a good chunk of them will be wasted on overcaps.

5/10 mythic this far in the tier , oh wooow. Necro too.

Nah I just open your logs and it’s very telling. M+ is actually where outlaw rng impact is at its lowest. As a m+ player I expect you to at least understand this.

If we were to play it by your book, you’re 1/10M. Not to mention a paladin…
Oh & before you jump saying, “This is an alt”, expecting me to know that as if I a mind reader, this rogue is also an alt.

But for the sake of the discussion - Yes, my M+ is OL necro. But in raids its venthyr Assa.

M+ rogue should be even more happy with the tier set too. Cause if those pistol shots flurry. Then that’s a lot more free damage

Now you’re just blatantly trolling. Just stop. Also, why are you trying to flame them for being Necro? I practically almost exclusively play Necro in raid and I’m literally rank 6 on mythic all stars for Outlaw rogues. It doesn’t even matter what covenant you are as long as it’s not NF.

Literally the only thing you’ve said in this thread that has any value is RTB impact on dps. That’s it.

Well correct, you wouldn’t press pistol shot otherwise. But I see your point in that if this set DOESN’T act like an opportunity proc, it’s even worse than thought. So we’d have to take that damage and divide it in half essentially. So my napkin math is off, good catch.

I’ve looked at this data a few times now though, and if these DONT GIVE COMBO POINTS, we are looking at a very, very bad 2pc and 4pc.

Like I said, to put in perspective how bad -

Winds of winter is doing roughly 15% of Outlaw dmg on single target. Add in Sylv dagger offhand and Veinripper (Painsmith weapon) If this set goes live, we are looking at a scenario where gaining 20-25 ilvls with this set will net you around the same damage as current raids DPS

I’ve said it before, and anyone who pays attention has, that the Dom sets are way too powerful, but this will straight up feel terrible.

These sets in general don’t need to be as powerful as Dom sets, but they need to feel powerful enough that gaining ilvls + these sets is going to at least do more DPS than current raids. A 254 BiS slot outlaw rogue as it stands may do more than a 279 BiS Outlaw Rogue next raid. That’s bad. (In the raid of course, in m+ it’ll be a net gain as the dom sets aren’t active. Although the dom shards are nothing to scoff at in m+ either)