On the PTR a new area have been made friendly for Horde players outside of the nighthold area. It’s the garden area to the north of the nighthold where the plant boss is located in the raid, it’s now empty of hostile mobs and filled with friendly NPCs.
The house of Thalyssra has also been emptied of hostile mobs.
Making Suramar much more attractive for roleplayers. Keep in mind only Horde can visit these friendly versions of the areas.
But good going blizz! People have been begging for a friendly suramar forever, and it’s a step in the right direction.
Telogrus rift has seen some pretty notable updates as well.
Things are looking really promising right now on ptr for world development.
Love to see it. Glad to see these areas get some love
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Asteroid city come through
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I’m suprised that they made updates to it.
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Happy for Horde players getting more access to Suramar!!!
Hardly seems fair, since y’all can come wander around Night Elfsville with impunity.
But updated zones are neat so I’ll take it!
I think some cool stuff is coming for Telogorus Rift though!!
I keep knocking but they just won’t let me in there. Like I’m not voidy enough for them 
Just ask a warlock to summon you in, then set your Hearthstone there.
You’ll be able to go there any time you want. 
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That just might be worth it tbh
Warlocks are doing summons right now on ptr for all non void elf players who want to see the updates.
Careful not to singe the buds as you BURN
(shal’dorei valewalkers soon? I might consider a second druid)
Ps, we have a void dog and a void cat in the zone now
And seemingly a (non functional) portal to dalaran.
Eh let the Horde have their safe space. They need it.
tbh we’ll see, what’s on the PTR is, after all, for testing.
I do think it would be more fun than not if phased suramar allowed cross faction RP, honestly. I’ve been seeing quite a bit of it in Bel’ameth and it feels like the playerbase healing.
If Bel’ameth is any indication most of Suramar’s appeal as a rp hub will be for elf mains anyway, with a few others here and there.
I think once they rebuild Teldrassil it’ll be Alliance only, but also we should not be in Belameth. It’s weird after everything.
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Personally I hope not, my main gripe with Bel’ameth (and gilneas) is that it’s cross faction. But then again that’s personal on my part as I don’t really have characters that like to interact that much with the other faction regularly and it’s a pain to have no good faction rp places outside of sw/orgrimmar. Ofc I could ignore people from the other faction but that is still effort and may be viewed negatively and breed resentment as even if they’re nice and didn’t do anything they’re ignored.
It’s just much easier to not bother with places that would put the character constantly in a situation where they would be uncomfortable.
So far there’s a few more tents, the Silvermoon Scholars are in more voidy-looking gear, and the High Elf Wayfarers are just completely gone. Lots of checked cube boxes and NPCs named, “Unknown,” so we’ll have to wait for more updates.
That said, there are new Void Rifts all over the place, but clicking on them takes you nowhere right now.
I hope Blizzard adds an update that makes ALL of Suramar Horde-friendly. It’s nice to have a few spaces, but it’s a massive city with a lot of love poured into it. Such a shame to keep so much of it filled with hostile NPCs.
As for the Telogrus Rift… it needs a massive facelift. What we’ve seen so far is just slapping a bandaid onto a wound that’s bled so profusely the original bandaid is falling off.