PTR Heirloom Upgrades cost 15000g and 22500g

This is crazy expensive, too crazy.

IMO, 100-110 loom upgrades should just be updated to 100-120 instead

This price makes no sense.


It does if you are trying to sell WoW tokens


I wish you weren’t right.


It is a curse. Nothing I can do about being right all the time.


Wow that’s a lot of gold and I’m a poor panda. I wish I could pay in hugs and bad checks.


Sadly, it really does come down to this.


Then don’t buy them, they are entirely optional. In legion, they were already too excessive for me for the amount of use I got out of them so I think I only upgraded a few pieces.


Heirlooms are a luxury, not an entitlement.

It is a huge, huge advantage to alt leveling to give them 50% XP from 1-120. It is something you have to earn, by acquiring wealth in the game


The cost is still excessive even if you do have 10s of millions for the amount of use you get out of them. Sure if you had all one gear type then maybe but if you have 4 characters to level and they are all different gear types just a waste of gold.

You can get powerleveled for 250k.


It is a huge, huge advantage to alt leveling to give them 50% XP from 1-120.

It’s 55% actually! The 50% experience cap only applies to RAF, not to heirlooms or buffs like the DMF.

That said, even as a luxury it’s too expensive. Many players do not have vast reserves of gold. Many people I know rarely go above 20-40k, period. Those who play the AH, or intentionally farm, sure, but in my experience most players just hover around however much they need to play and that’s that.


This. I only upgraded my cloth set and my caster staff, and only really used all of it twice anyway. Modern zones are so streamlined that you can hit max in about a calendar day if you sit down and grind away, especially with the Darkmoon buff or something going.

The prices on the PTR might not be final, but then again, they may be. And they only represent a slight amount of convenience anyway; if you’re adamant that you want to be able to level all your alts in 7 hours instead of 10 or 11, then it may be worth it. But it’s just a small quality-of-life bonus, not any real game-changing experience; if it takes you twelve hours to farm the gold to buy all of them, then you’ve actually lost nine hours of time (unless you get a single set that you can use to level multiple characters that use the same armor type).

I’d rather buy a nifty mount to ride on my new alt, instead. Call me crazy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You can make 15-20k in a matter of days lazily selling veiled crystals alone. And with the amount of free epic gear that rains from the skies in Azeroth, getting your hands on veiled crystals is super easy.

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Sounds good. When can I buy them?

I remember back in legion I could make 30k a day just doing various simple task. This price is nothing.

Times change. This is no longer Legion.


So you’re having trouble making some gold? Seems easy to me.

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Then why did you mention Legion? Because all the Legion stuff was nerfed long ago.


Makes perfect sense from an Acti… emm, business point of view. Make people need more gold so they rush to buy tokens.


Because every xpac has made acquiring gold easier. It’s why the cost of items always goes up.

Man, you people would never have made it though the BC days. Took 5k to get epic flying. 15k for an item today is nothing.

That’s not even remotely what I was talking about. People were talking about how much it costs NOW, but you tried to come in and say “Back in Legion I made tons of gold!” as if that helps anyone, but you.