PTR Feedback

Never have I ever played a more excruciatingly painful version of the game. Get rid of minigame spells and mechanics, I’m so tired of deeper stratagem and extra cps. All these things make it so our finishers rely on this garbage to do anything, and is literally the illusion of doing more damage. Had these things not been added to the game finisher damage would be balanced around having 5cps, and having 5cps feels far more fluid than 7cps or echo.

Honorable mention of talents that have to walk the plank are dance, invigorating shadows, perforating veins, lingering shadows, finality, deeper daggers, thistle tea, sepsis, flag.

I could honestly go into how a lot of things should be passive, how dance/fw should be sub only (not that the other specs shouldn’t have armor pen), and other nit picky things.

I made a talent tree of things I want, but obviously its with a PVP point of view just like anything I say. Here’s a little sneak peek, if anyone cares just go into the thread I made and click the doc to see what each talent would do. Spent 40+ hours putting this together.