Hello? Are they coming?
“You’ll be a mediocre class that does poor ST damage because all of your AoE is uncapped and you’ll LIKE it” - Blizzard probably
Honestly just re-roll. I’ve been maining DK since the day 3.0.8 launched and the class has never been in a worse state than it is now and Blizzard is radio silent about it.
WoD comes to mind where only Unholy was good while Blood and Frost were crap. But sure, THIS is the worst its ever been…
Would you believe me if I want to try something different? The reason I am currently shelving the Mechagnome.
Meanwhile… this chick is getting reworked. More specifically: Marksmanship.
Although this guild could use a warlock… but Undermine is yet another thing too…
Always best to play what you want to play and not just whats best. I stuck with DK for years even when it wasnt good. But with how the class plays right now in addition to its overall poor performance, I’m jumping ship.
Ret Paladin plays a lot like how DK used to play. Super fast paced priority rotation without being utterly reliant on procs. The procs on Ret add to the gameplay. It isn’t dependant on them to do damage like DK is. Frost much more so than Unholy.
I am tempted to go warlock or monk, the only thing really sticking me to DK for the patch is the tier set. I know I can just get it as an alt but my playtime is limited now. I don’t know how we managed to get a “rework” and the class pretty much plays exactly the same with the all the same if not most of the same issues. Breath and procs still killing Frost variety/tunings, Unholy not changing at all since WoD, and Blood needs mechanical reworks I think since blizzard decided they hate tank self healing, or just hating tanks in general.
Thats the thing though, i play 80 Blood DK and compared to my 80 Ret Pally ( whose gear is actually lesser than the DKs ) the Ret Pally can easily out DPS and out heal my Blood DK ., and the gap is so wide it’s not even really comparable., and Ret isnt a “tank spec” or " heal spec" whereas to my understanding Blood IS. I just don’t see how Blizz can ignore such a glaring discrepancy , despite proving they can do exactly that for not months but years.I still love my DKs but I have been forced out of them as much beloved former " Main" and into Ret Pally and Warlock ,at least the Warlock can get in Raids and do high level Delves whereas the DK is almost hopeless to get into a Raid and Ret Pally not much better.
You realize Ret is a DPS spec and Blood is a tank spec correct? Ret should be out dpsing it. And yes if you’re sitting there spamming Flash of Light on yourself, it will outheal a Blood DK.
If you’re having an issue getting into raids as a Blood DK or a Ret, then you’re undergeared. Plain and simple. No tank is going to have issues getting into a group. Being a tank is an almost guaranteed invite. And Ret is the most played spec in the entire game right now by a large margin. Theres almost 2x as many parses for Ret than the runner up for most popular.
Maybe you are missing the point i was trying to make , the Ret Pally heal thats instant (WoG) heals for far more than any ability the Blood DK has of the same type .
WoG also requires far more resources to use comparatively. Death Strike’s heal depends on the variable of how much damage you took and it creates a shield. Death Strike is also an attack. WoG is not.
It is absolutely not even remotely close to an an apples to apples comparison. That being said, yes. A heal that takes over half of your available resources to use should probably heal more than a spammable attack that heals the attacker and provides an absorption shield.