PTR datamining continues!

No, they added the leather covering in Legion, particularly for the Legion cinematic where she was first featured in CGI. It was probably to get away from chainmail bikini tropes for a character they were about to use very heavily in the story going forward. I wish there were a lore-reason, but alas.

I never really thought about it but I guess you head canon that at some point Sylvanas decided to wear more armor to ensure her survival.

Sylvanas didn’t really impale herself. The actual description is that her body burst on impact. Also the reason the mindless scourge were being corrupt is because they had no mind to resist the influence with, it’s more filling in a blank for the old gods.


i mean the scourge undead weren’t being corrupted, because there was nothing there to corrupt, in order to corrupt the scourge undead, you would have to corrupt the person controlling them, aka arthas and now bolvar.

edit: also the helm of domination might be protecting the lich king from influence of voidy nonsense, but there is nothing there to prove it.

I was meaning by corrupt, as in the mindless ghouls that were gibbering about Yogg. They were influenced because theres nothing there to resist the influence opposed to the undead around ICC that were slightly higher functioning then “Hit rock with pickaxe”

They were actually cursing at Yogg. Which raises the question if he created an awareness in them and they were furious at the old god for it or if Arthas was mocking Yogg in some manner.

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Arthas noticing and having his ghouls just roast Yogg is something I want made canon very badly.


same, that would be hilarious. and its not like there is any love lost between arthas and yogg

“Bow down before the God of death”
“BoW dOwN bEfOrE tHe GoD oF dEaTh.”


I kind of felt like maybe the undead cursing Yogg-saron in Dragonblight were nominally self-aware minions who’d been corrupted into willing Scourge servitude, while the ghoul laborers who “went mad” in Icecrown were mindless thralls who would eventually start “glitching” because there were two voices in their heads bombarding them with conflicting orders.

Oondasta and Horridon will be tamable by hunters in 8.2


What a weird thread to necro. This thread was from 3 years ago. Nothing to do with 9.2.5