PTR datamining continues!

In live N’zoth is starting to whisper constantly to all players with the gift.

The ones who didn’t remove theirs?

What exactly do they say?

It is hard to hear but it is old god language I think and yes it is only on my alts with the gift.

can i get a quick rundown of mechagon?

So Shath’Yar then… One Old God(as in N’Zoth) or many(as in the Void itself)?

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Some people on the secret finding community are trying to decypher it, it seems to be N’zoth’s voice saying things, some says it is referring to his throne or to its glory but nobody knows because there is no text just sound.

The good news is that we are rescued by our new allies in Nazjatar, the bad news is that Nathanos has an unknown mission involving Xal’atath.

So he is the one N’Zoth wants to have the Blade of the Black Empire and once Sylvanas gave it to him N’Zoth went straight to trying to get us to kill her according to Eye of the Corruptor in 8.2:

Listen. She is a threat. Kill her. KILL HER.

Which means the Void plans to corrupt him! Sylvanas just threw her most loyal henchman to the Void for daring to call her out on the deaths of the Desolate Council as well as for daring to hesitate to burn Teldrassil!

Since Gallywix is even less trustworthy and she tried to assassinate Thrall after his retirement obviously she will make a move against him too! Baine said that rats like Gallywix get eaten if they aren’t careful so this is foreshadowed as well.

The only leader not antagonized by Sylvanas will be Geya’rah as every other leader is turning on her!

don’t trust everything saurfang says. He outlived more horde warchiefs than anyone.

Except Eitrigg. Or Drek’thar. Or Geyah.

Or any other old orc who’s just not dead yet.

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Just as a note, he didn’t actually hesitate to burn Teld. Warbringers is very inaccurate to the book. He was in the middle of an argument with Saurfang when the order came and only asked for clarification.


If that’s true, then so much for the idea that undead are resistant to the Void?

Maybe the ritual they did to give him a better body left him open to more than just emotions…

Undead arent allowed to have nice things

The Undead immunity to the Void is tied to their immunity to insanity… Getting his emotions restored to full capacity would restore his capacity for insanity so yes he is susceptible to Old Gods.

Sylvanas on the other hand is merely possessing her corpse so she isn’t susceptible to Void induced insanity.

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i believe that was only the case for scourge undead because they didn’t have a will to corrupt. there is also the fact that undead are weak to old god stuff, as sylvanas chose to impale herself on old god blood because she believed it would kill her better than the fall would, and i mean. it did kill her

Undead aren’t “immune” to the influence of the Void, they are merely resistant to it. This is probably due to the fact that their souls are imperfectly bonded to their bodies, more than anything else. However, even the Scourge made sure to put lower ranking undead in charge of harvesting raw Saronite (like Ghouls) and those undead would go insane if they were exposed for too long.

That being said, there was one key moment in Sylvanas’ history where she could have been influenced by the Void/Old Gods. It was when she splatted herself on a building of Yogg-Saron’s blood and went to her personal “hell”. At that time, she was no longer and undead of any kind, her soul had been released from that curse (only to find itself in a more horrific one). During that window, it is entirely possible that she could have been exposed or influenced by the Void.


So does Sylvanas currently have a giant hole in her body when she doesn’t wear that armor?

Is that why she doesn’t have that midriff going on anymore?

Certainly possible.

Well thankfully it missed her spine.

Undeath or not she needs that thing if she doesn’t want to roll around in a wheel chair.

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