PTR datamining continues!

We see in the free baine seneario that there are absolutely blood elves who would side with Sylvanas.

Blood elves like Lorash I believe would continue to side with Sylvanas out of hatred for the Alliance. Lor’themar wants to end the war, but not all blood elves would necessarily agree.


We have to think about the outcome. Do we really need more Belf traitors? Void elves already exist, mainly because they refused to give up magic that is a danger to the Sunwell but adding on actual war. That would be a second splinter. I don’t doubt that outcome, at all. I have speculated that they would go that road at some point. Seeings how they kept the “fel green eyes”. Which proves that there is already a division in ideals.

I just fear where it will lead and it’s (Blood elves) literally the only thing still keeping me here…

Wasn’t choosing between revenge and a good future supposed to be the Alliance’s thing this expansion? We took Night Elf undead last patch and now we are even stealing their morally tale.

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By all means, you can have it. I don’t have any use for it.


This is 3rd one, Jaina has had like 5

This is Thrall’s fourth model.

His unique skin from vanilla/TBC/wrath. His shaman robe from Cata/MoP. His doomplate from WoD/Legion. And now frostwolf armour.

You could fill out a Heroes of the Storm alternative character skins with him.

Conversely, this is also Jaina’s fourth. Her vanilla/TBC model using unique armour. Her Wrath/Cata model. Her recolour of that same model in MoP/WoD/Legion. And her current BfA model.


Oh, it’s even better, because that wasn’t even the full datamining. Here’s more:

    Unknown_Male: Proudmoore and Shaw risked their lives to rescue Baine? Unexpected.
    Unknown_Female: Is it? Not long ago, Alliance and Horde fought together to liberate Suramar from the Legion.
    Unknown_Male: Cooperation between our sides has been the exception, not the rule. More often, we are at each other's throats.
    Unknown_Female: His life spared for one he saved.
    Unknown_Female: I am sorry for what happened to your people in Dalaran. The response was... Harsh.
    Unknown_Female: Perhaps we do not need to. It might be enough to direct our attacks against Azshara rather than the Alliance.
    Unknown_Male: That plan would infuriate Blightcaller... which makes me like it all the more. Hmm... "It stops when you turn from one another and walk away..."
    Unknown_Female: Yes. We also have a history of setting differences aside to fight greater foes.
    Unknown_Male: A lesson once taught to Jaina Proudmoore and me. Your counsel is wise, Thalyssra. Our focus must be on ending Azshara's reign.
    Unknown_Female: A truce then? We fight Azshara here, not one another.
    Unknown_Male: But if the Alliance undermines our efforts, the flames of war will rise again.

    Unknown_Female: For all her lies, Priscilla Ashvane spoke one truth. The war between the Alliance and Horde has kept us distracted. Divided, we have no hope against N’Zoth.
    Unknown_Male: We may have found common cause here in Nazjatar, but the battle still rages beyond these waters. So long as Sylvanas holds Orgrimmar, there can be no lasting peace.
    Unknown_Female: The war needs to end, Lor’themar. You know this to be true.
    Unknown_Male: I had hoped that reason would prevail. But the time has come to finish this.
    Unknown_Male: I will tell my people what transpired here. Of how Azshara fell because we stood together. Of the threat rising from the depths, and all that is at stake if we should fail.
    Unknown_Male: Then I will take my place beside Saurfang and Thrall, and pray that the sin’dorei stand with me.

Lor’themar literally quotes Taran Zhu.


Thrall also had a player animations version of the robe design for two patches before he got his unique animations.

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Jesus Christ this expansion is terrible.


Ah yeah, for some reason I thought that was his beta and he had the straight back in launch, but looking back he did have the hunch before the Firelands patch.

I feel like this patch is a big “I told you so” regarding MoP 2.0.

It is nice to see more non-horse mounts.


We have sea horses though!

I still expect Blizzard to come up with a different end than MoP and say : “You see, it was different!” whereas us players feel it was the same for at least a year.


i mean, it is different

it just rhymes bro! like poetry!

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Poetry can be bad too you know.

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I cant wait for the lack of payback for Teldrassil.

Because status quo. And being lied to by blizzard.


Was that tree house ever promised to be avenged?

Maybe you tree elves can finally live in an updated Hyjal.

Apparently raiding a troll city was supposed to. Before Jaina Trudeau turned into a spineless moralist.

And fat chance. They want to recreate Dragon Age city elves keeping them around to kickstart another faction conflict.


In the end, it’s not going to be a complete MoP rehash because after the final battle there’s no Varian so Sylvanas just gets straight executed, roll credits.

Well I’m pretty satisfied. Horde is in shambles in the middle of the expac, Jaina dabs on the Horde. Win for me. The hundrenth Jaina 360 turns me off though.

I wouldn’t say it’s unlikely. The nelfs, unlike the gnomes, are an important race. Blizzard has also shown they have the technology to shard a zone if they wanted to keep Hyjal leveled.

They’ll probably have the nelfs as the aggressors in the next faction war. I’m 50/50 on it. Imagine us having to put down Tyrande.

I didn’t think the Night Elves could be humiliated any more. Degrading the Night Elves into the Dalish or purple humans could certainly solidify peoples’ prejudices against Blizzard storytelling