PTR datamining continues!

According to? And who forbade it?

N’Zoth being released is blatant information on the Datamining and Blizzard stated that the Final Boss would be revealed during the Azshara Cutscene not the Datamining…

Not only is N’Zoth breaking out but the Cutscene alone reveals whether he, Sylvanas or Y’Shaarj are the Final Boss of BfA

I think I confused forbidden with sacred.

Still, it being forbidden I don’t think is impossible either.

The sisterhood probably. Or even Elune herself. Tyrande was demanding the power, not asking for it.

I don’t see why we should assume Thalyssra is wrong. It being forbidden doesn’t actually contradict anything else.

Didn’t Blizz say Sylvanas won’t be a raid boss? (though they said grom would be and changed their mind)

Also, Y’shaarj?

I believe she was warned against doing it because it would likely kill her?

Her and everyone who witnessed it.

Which didn’t happen. I wonder if that is just Tyrande’s will protecting everyone else.

Remember the Blade of the Black Empire has a new voice…

Wait you mean Xal’atah and not Y’shaarj?

Thalyssra abandoned Elune a long time ago which explains her hyperbole. Also, do I hear a tinge of jealousy in her voice that such a power is what is routing the Horde armies in Kalimdor?

I really don’t see why we should presume she’s just wrong. The ritual was apparently incredibly dangerous, why is it being forbidden too so strange?

I have no idea since, as far as we know, we don’t actually have the voice files just the dialog.


How do you hear a tinge of jealousy in broadcast text? More to the point your talking about someone who chose to abandon the power of the Nightwell. She doesn’t seem to be that much of a slave to power.

Anyway we don’t know the long term implications of the Night Warrior ritual. Beyond the deaths it causes it might have other consequences. Consequences and cost are usually the reason things get forbidden.


Because nothing in the scenario says that it’s forbidden. Risky ≠ forbidden.

I think it’s just a petty elf being petty.

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Heroes using a “forbidden ritual” to save everyone is an extremely common trope. Idk why you’d fight against it so.


Then why have the NEs never used it before? Surely a burning legion invasion would have held the same level of importance to be worth risking it if it wasn’t forbidden.

Xal’atath is rumored( to be a claw of Y’Shaarj remember? The new voice could be Y’Shaarj’s own.

We have 3 Villains potentially active following Azshara’s Raid.

Considering how dangerous it apparently was not just to the one doing the ritual but to anyone around, I can absolutely see it being forbidden.

If Thalyssra says it was forbidden, and nothing really contradicts it either, then I’m not going dismiss it.

Do you want Thalyssra to be wrong for the sake of it?

Long ago, they did attempt it and won their battles because of it.

More recently, many did attempt it, and failed which only supports that even though it was dangerous it was never “forbidden”.

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Tyrande has said in the past that Elune is the ONLY person who can forbid her from doing anything. She wouldn’t have attempted the ritual if she knew Elune forbade it.

If we’re going to take it at face value, then yes. Clearly Thalyssra was only in Zin-Azshari to treasure hunt!

I’m glad they aren’t putting him on Sylvanas’ side. I was worried we were heading that way considering the livestream reveal said “Sylvanas’ Champions” were on the boat that ends up in Nazjatar and then mentioned Nathanos and Lor’themar.

Still wish this rebellion 2.0 was happening almost any other way than the way it is.

Speaking of, while all of this is going on, where is Nathanos and why are people apparently openly talking in front of the Horde PC while Saurfang (who would have to be in contact with Lor’themar since he mentions both Saufang and Thrall) should know they are allied with Sylvanas after you tell Zappy Boi to get lost?


At a guess helping Baine and Zelling free Derek has made them think you’re on their side, even if Nathanos ordered you to help them.

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That last part bothers me. Why wouldn’t the Sin’dorei stand with him? He is Regent Lord, placed by Kael’thas. The only reason I see them (maybe) not, is if Kael’thas his SELF returns and even then, Kael’thas wanted to join Thrall’s Horde and tried to help Theron achieve that. I feel like this part is fake- a place holder for whatever really happens. I mean- the Sin’dorei are not going to follow “A Warchief” (regardless of who it is), which is an Orcish title, over their OWN Regent.
The High elves have always been about their own, the safety of their own people, what is best for their own people and turning on Theron- in favor of Sylvanas, would be completely against that.

Theron: Been with them the entire time and fought for them.
Sylvanas: Dies for them but becomes an undead/Banshee and spends half of the 3rd war killing them and even when she got her body, she still didn’t return to them.

Silvermoon: Sides with Sylvanas…cause…reasons.