Psychøsis: Raid/Guild Recruitment

Come hang out with us in a fun friendly no stress environment. We have 2 core raid teams running on same nights. Our guild plans to appeal to both casual players and raiders. Looking to have both heroic and mythic raiding with this expansion. Casuals are welcome. We do mat farming, guild achievements, PVP with RBGS on Fridays. We have a have a fun, friendly, helpful, adult WoW environment for everyone to enjoy.

Castle Nathria:

Raid time Every Tuesday and Wednesday 5:30 - 8pm PT. (server)
Off nights and Sundays we run Mythic+ Keys

Current Progress: 6 N Castle Nathria.

Previous Progression: AOTC Every Tier.

We will be pushing into heroic as quickly as possible and having a core Mythic group

Tanks: Need 1/2 tanks for 2nd core raid team and mythic plus groups

Healers: Need priest/shammy/monk heals

Demon Hunter

Ranged: 4-5

All great players will be considered no matter the class.

Add SmexieLexie #1915 if interested