[PSA/Compliment] Scourge Invasions are Reasonable now!

The two major issues of the scourge invasions are fixed!

  • Heart of Doom for Shoulder Enchants Unlock is now an interactible item that drops when clearing a Necrotic Shard. No longer need to tag the Shadow of Dooms.
  • There seems to be only a 5 minute CD between Invasion Events in each zone.

This is much more acceptable and I genuinely appreciate the timely fixes! Thank you Devs!


Nice, I can get my shoulder enchant on my mage now. =) I was gonna wait.

I completed the quest yesterday and got one (1) remnants of valor… now I cant do the daily quest cause they change it to a weekly quest that rewards 40 remnants of valor… what do I do now… I’m screwed

each week the “cap” increases on what you can earn and there’ll be catchup mechancis so you wont be behind

Still pretty bad as you need to turn in 8 runes to get a shadow of doom. A chest piece is tied to that mob. So, a lot of people can’t get items thanks to that.

Confirmed? I see no blue post.

The chest piece can also drop in Kara. The main problem was the shoulder enchants which are mandatory for raiding.

Literally go out and do the content? It’ll happen in front of your very eyes. Novel concept, doing the content, but it is happening. Got it done on both my chars this morning within 10 mins of eachother.

I don’t know if I can do Kara. My guildy recommends tier 2 bwl atleast.

It’s harder than your normal 5 mans. But you can get some T2 stuff easy now that people are smashing BWL and MC for Reals.

There’s no rush - if you’re not BWL/AQ geared the santified gear is less useful for you because it’s only empowered in Naxx and KC with the Seal of the Dawn item we get when Naxx launches. Unless you’re doing Naxx on launch then you’re not missing out by not having it. You’re better off with Tier 1 from the reals vendor.

But ye I get it’s annoying wanting to farm for items which are decent but don’t fret about not being able to farm Shades for the chest piece. Over time you’ll be able to get them and if you’re still gearing through T1/T2, definitely don’t worry about it.

yeah, guess I’ll focus tier 2 and one from vendor and strat farm.
Do you think it’d be possible for a mix of tier 2 and 1 gear from the vendor?

Still a terrible event