PSA: Wildhearts

Game has some fun aspects to it, very cool monster and weapon designs, however:

  1. The game suffers from a really bad optimization problem, minor stutters, frame drops, and slow motion like affect are common.

  2. The larger monsters feel like they are way to damn big for the arenas they are in, as often end up running to the walls and nooks of the arena where you end up having to just wait out in the open for them to come back to you.

  3. Monsters tend to interact with terrain obstacles in an almost “I wasn’t designed to be in this map” kind of way, as they tend to get oddly positioned on roots, rocks, debris, in the arena that looks kind of goofy, and is another case of needing to lure them back to an open field.

  4. Some enemies hit boxes for things like parry are really difficult to determine at times, however, this may be purely due to performance issues.

  5. Camera feels like it is actively fighting the player at all times when it’s locked on, and the bigger the monster, the worse it gets, as it tends to position itself in the foliage obscuring half the screen with grass and other field debris.

That’s kind of my thoughts what I’ve seen in the game so far, another sort of issue I have is there’s a bit to many monsters that beyblade around, but to an extent this can be countered, however again the weird performance issues can help alleviate that.

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