PSA: Vicious Jeweler's Setting did not work on the free tier helm

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The gm will tell you "Salt :salt: " as a 1 line response like my last ticket(I was banned from forums for saying priest weren’t very manly and this was their response to my appeal)


Wait so do we get honor from BG’s? :dracthyr_shrug:

Don’t worry I’m sure blizz will get around to these glaring bugs just like the HP redistribution embellishment healers use that auto break DB’s and sheep’s and has since beta.

They’ll get to it for sure I just know it. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

i too am running into this issue on my demon hunter…bought the pvp tier helm with the token and the vicious jeweler’s setting wont let me socket it.

That sucks. I will test it on my evoker later tonight. I didn’t get any response to my bug report in game yet.

The socket from vault only works on PVE gear. While the desription says TWW season 1 helms, bracers, belt it doesn’t specify that PvP items are excluded, but they are. I don’t have an epic PvP helm of any type (tier included) so i haven’t tested it exclusively on that gear slot, but PVE bracers and belt were blacked out (ineligible) to have the socket from vault attached whereas the PVE options were not.

All my vault options sucked so I didnt lose anything by grabbing the 6 token option for the socket, but it was still a bit of a “wha-wha” moment anyway.

Since a PVP socket won’t work on the helm - which is clearly a PVP helm - I think that maybe a PVE socket will work on it. I will probably have to just go get one and find out.

been like this all through beta after hundreds of reports going unchecked this is how it is now