PSA: Vanilla Scarlet Monastery Unlock, NO FOMO!

I sold that key for 52.5k so no skin off my back

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And by all means make the gold! Dooey, Screwum, and Howe

Just curious is there any real reason to go into these old SM instances or is it just for nostalgia/fun? I was thinking maybe Rogues can pickpocket there but idk

Old rare mogs. Fun. RP. That’s about it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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There are a few bits of transmog that you cannot get the same models elsewhere in the world like with Scholomance.

However aside from that, Nostalgia, Fun, RP. And I hope we continue to get old dungeons readded, hopefully UBRS or Sunken Temple is next.


Can you get that scarlet crusade tabard from the new scarlet monastery or just the old one?

The tabard does drop from the ravamped Scarlet Halls off Armsmaster Harlan. But, in the classic version of the dungeon (specifically Scarlet Armory) the tabard drops off the horde of initiates that spawn after you kill Herod. So, you have a higher chance of getting it in the old version.

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What Degas said but a bit more context. In the MoP version Harlan has a 2% drop chance and the drop can take you 50+ runs on average.

While in the old version 20 initiates spawn after you kill Herod, each with a 2% chance to drop the tabard. On average you will get the tabard in 5 runs.

Also make sure to get the Tabard on a Mail and Plate wearer because there is a Scarlet Crusade Quartermaster at the Darkmoon Fair which sells a Mail (which you can now get in the old version of the Monastery) and Plate version (which you cannot) Scarlet set as well as a Cropped Tabard. To interact with the quartermaster you must physically have the tabard equipped.

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Oooo, I didn’t know about this. That’s pretty neat. I’m getting very tempted to make a Human Paladin for a Scarlet Renegade RP now.

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Here is the NPC and the items:


not replying to everyone who replied to me but Yes I stand corrected! you dont’ have to do the quest but yes if you fail a mechanic you won’t get the achieve! Thank you for figuring that out for me!

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This is also isn’t quite correct. You can fail the mechanics. You just can’t get to 10 stacks of the debuff from failing mechanics. I had 6 stacks after failing mechanics and still got the achieve.

Yes you can. The caveat is you’ll be at 1 hp and need to back away and dodge everything.

Hmm a few people haven’t gotten the achievement without dying, I’m not totally sure what they did wrong or if it’s a bug then.

I got the achievement on every toon I ran on yesterday.

i just ended up buying a key on the auction house. It was 20K gold but I don’t really have much else to spend gold on these days.

My guess is they didn’t have all four curses up. Every single toon I’ve ran has gotten the achieve with no issues, including the one I let get to 10 stacks just to see what would happen.

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I bought my key for 5k in the AH. Went and ran library, and it gives you another key you can loot in the chest at the end, and just resell it back.

Maybe, or I guess they can be removed if you almost die?

It is a drop from the headless horseman the loot filled pumpkin that spawns in your bags when you kill him. You open the loot filled pumpkin, and it has a chance to be in there. The scarlet key.

I find it annoying. I have yet to see it drop in the loot filled pumpkin yet as well. I will be frustrated If I have to wait next year for another shot.

Be warned. You have to have the actual scarlet tabard in order for it to work and talk to her. It can’t be a tabard that is transmogged to look like the scarlet tabard.