PSA To Toy Collectors: Scholomance

Just to let any toy collectors out there know, Dr Theolen Krastinov may not drop his toy in remix mode. While I knew the toy wasn’t included on the vendors, I still assumed he had the option in his loot table. However, after running into him in Remix I noticed that no one in the group got the toy.

There is a chance that we were just an unlucky group who didn’t see it despite the toy having a high drop rate if he spawns in the instance, but the fact that he did drop threads for everyone to loot instead of the toy for a single person to loot had me convinced enough that the toy is unobtainable in this mode to make this post.

There does seem to be a bit of inconsistency as to what flavor drops will still drop and what won’t. The Timeless Isle rares for example will all still drop their rare items, but raid bosses that could drop mounts aren’t (except the world bosses probably still are?).

Is Krastinov’s bag on the collector vendor? I didn’t even look since I came into the event already having them all.

It is not on the vendor. I was told in one of my Vault runs that they were still supposed to drop their items, but I have yet to see anyone get any so I have my doubts.

I did get a cosmetic drop from SoO for a transmog, but I have yet to see any raid group receive a mount drop.