Jay Lore is looking rather glum. Sir Vandus asks what can be done to help their sad master? Jay Lore wants some more friends.
Music Plays and shenanigans ensue, all of creation is damned to the maw
You have to dance, for an achievement, for mount A, which also grants a meta achievement, for mount B, that doesn’t exist yet. Brought to you by Blizzard ™
Jeez. The more I know the less interested I become. Maybe Blizzard could take some notes from Marvel if they want to right compelling characters instead of sexy mary sues.
At this point I’d say it’s more like that this is a multi dollar company with several employees at least two of whom are actively working on the game.
I don’t know why it’s so hard to test and validate that your rewards from your content are actually rewarding but this isn’t the first time that something like this happened this patch, let alone this xpac.
The achievement text for “This Army” says that you have to complete the “You and What Army” quest with each champion, but completing any of the four assault quests will give credit for the champion you are with.
There must have been some kind of miscommunication between the person that wrote the text for the achievement and the person that coded the way the achievement is completed, or we could just flat out call it a bug.
We’ve developed a hotfix today, and it’s on the way. The hotfix will make it so that the Achievements On the Offensive and Breaking the Chains are now properly account-wide. With this hotfix, we’re also making sure that completing Breaking the Chains should properly award the Hand of Salaranga mount.
Still just fixing the barn door after the horse died though. Like, there’s not a lot to play for right now, the amount of disappointment after completing a multi month achievement and receiving nothing for your effort is sort of a massive problem, particularly since it’s not like this is the first time something like this has happened.
Thank you! It was nice to get the “On the Offensive” mount on all 4 covenants (had originally been thinking that I would have to covenant swap multiple times on the single toon that got the achievement), and the cost of 1000 Stygia is quite affordable for alts.
Wow great now make it so “This Army” is always available each necrolord assault so the only people who have it finished aren’t exclusively ones who exploited an unintuitive and entirely missable daily reset “mechanic”. And do the same for “Tea For The Troubled”, too.
credit to the hotfix team i guess. i figured this would be an easy hot fix but with the 9.1.5 covenant change thought the devs might just take the attitude of MEH they can just bounce around covenants when the patch is out. thanks for not taking the lazy way out