got the email. took a couple of hours for it to show up on the launcher to download
Blizzard posted about the possible beta scams, saying there is no reason to do anything (you are simply “in the beta.” ) So any email saying you do something, is a scam; The one from Blizzard simply tells you that you are in it, which is automatic. You also don’t do anything FROM the email, like follow a link to install (again, all done from the launcher.)
Two sure ways to tell you are in it:
The launcher, go to “Region” down there and you see
and if you have it, something like
Classic beta
If you can make “New Topic”, or reply to a post there, then you are in the Classic beta now. I mention this, because that is how I found out I was in the BFA beta (with that beta test forum, a week plus before I got the Email from Blizzard saying I was in it, weird, the previous poster had the opposite experience and got the email first.)
HA I’m IN THE BETA! Still can’t post in that forum, oddly enough, but I just checked the launcher and am in (downloading now.)
Oh, have an email too:
**### Many Whelps, Handle It ***! Join the World of Warcraft Classic Stress Test May 22
I’m still not clear on this, so am I JUST in the stress test, or also in the classic beta?
No email and the stress test option appeared for me earlier today.
Sounds like a scam email
You download the client from the launcher. Thus, it is irrelevant that you received an email other than for notification.
Rule 1 of email safety or Goblin devices, do not click the link or push the big red button unless you know what you are doing.
We now return you to regular programming…
I got the email last night at 8:15 my time but the option to download didn’t show up until almost two hours later.
Not a scam email, just a tiny disconnect between when the automatic mailer informed us and when the server flagged our accounts to be able to download the client.
I was actually shocked by how quickly it downloaded.
Edit: There was a link to Download the Client but it just took you to the generic retail WoW download on So the email was information only and could be treated as such.
You are only in the stress test, not the beta.
If you are also in the beta, you should be able to play now. Getting invited to the stress test only gives you access to that. It will still show up though as “Beta and Stress Test: WoW Classic”.
Got mine downloaded and ready to run in 2 hours. hooray!!
Think this is still relevant. Don’t get scammed/phished, folks.
Got my invite and almost done installing now.