PSA: Stress Test Beta(Possible Scam Email?)

The limitations make me not even invested in this at all, lol… I guess to muck around for a little is cool though I guess.

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Oh knowes… I got it. So much for leveling my rogue this week.

I got a email for the stress test a hour ago, but I’m on vacation until the 24th :frowning:

So it’s dead to me, feels bad.

Down loading Beta Classic WoW right now in the launcher.

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Really? You think I am that stupid? I read the WHOLE DAMNED EMAIL…BEFORE I even got the option to install the Classic client!!!


Hmm. I actually just got the email and did have option to install

Just got it.

The email is legit…I just opened my launcher again and it was there. If you haven’t gotten it yet just wait a couple hours and check again!!!

Just restarted my launcher and the download for the stress test is there.

Lol I keep getting a fatal error while trying to launch though, when it’s supposedly complete. Then if I restart the launcher, it has another 3.something gigs to go. Second time around so far :joy:

Ignore all Emails. If you got into the Beta or the beta stress test it will just show up on your Warcraft launcher.

Did you check your launcher it gives the option to install from there, it says Beta& Stress test Wow Classic.

I had alpha too, I did not get an email, I got an email the many whelps, and the option to download.

I got the email. It is genuine from Blizzard, but the “download” button on the email just takes you to a page with all the other downloads except the beta.

Restart the BNet client.

The stress test doesn’t start until 4 PST… that’s 6 Central time for me. So it can’t launch yet, just get installed.

I restarted the client but it still doesn’t show up. I’ll keep trying. I even restarted my computer and still nothing.

At least it’s a peek into what to expect.

Yeah I’m not sure I want to attempt to mess with the beta anymore. Here I am downloading 40 something gigs again to play retail. It appears to be deleting or overwriting retail files or something. I don’t know what’s going on.

After all the hype on steam and youtube over the classic beta, I wouldn’t be shocked if scammers are trying to use it to steal accounts. If you are actually invited, the option will be on the launcher to install it.