PSA: Slime Serpent Mount Now Easier to do at level 70

For anyone who missed the slime serpent mount in Shadowlands, it’s still here and Heroic Plaguefall can probably be easily soloed at level 70 with decent gear.

How do you get it? You set your dungeon difficulty to heroic (or mythic if you dare) and run the Plaguefall dungeon in Maldraxxus, SOLO. No other players in your group. After you kill the fourth boss, you just take the little orb portal thing in the downstairs room up to the area where the third boss was, find the curious slime serpent, and go pet it by clicking on it.


Thanks. Love posts like this, a good little reminder! I got it just now, and I got the final kitty for Nine Afterlives.


Thank you for the heads up since my main is currently in Shadowlands cleaning up bits and pieces I didn’t do back then have to drag their 365+ item level butt through it.

I always thought it had to be Mythic. I can probably do it now.

Oh boyyyy this reminds me to kill that rare bear in revendreth for the mount… ughhh. Hope something or other ? Forget the name off hand.

Yea, I skipped this even in S4 of SL on my Mage because I didn’t care enough about the thing and I didnt want to spend 3 hours dying over and over until I got it right. I went in and it’s a joke now. Like a total joke. Legion raids feel more difficult. Not even kidding.

Mythic Antorus is easy until you get to Eonar. That fight is so annoying, especially as a lock.

It is annoying. I haven’t done it in DF, but in SL I actually did solo it on my Mage but it was such a huge pain in the butt I never went back.

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Same. Did it once and said screw this fight.

Thanks for the reminder!

My own reminder: running 12 or 16s in torghast is stinky easy now. I spent a few short hours last week doing every wing on 16s for the achievement and got the horsey for doing flawless 12s.

As someone who’s been clearing antorus this week and last; it’s crazy easy now.

My 390 rogue does nearly a million dps and bosses fall over in seconds often before doing any mechanics.

The only exceptions are: eonar (gotta fly around killing adds and doing the space ship still, rip) and immonar (gotta run back and forth a lot)

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Ran the Plaguefall dungeon on Mythic and cleared all the bosses but did not get the slime serpent

expected a slime cloud serpent
got a weird wiggly boi

Did you go back outside? It’s in the acid water outside. Take the portal to the third boss area. It’s there- I just did it a couple days ago actually

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Said basically everyone when the Slime Serpent was discovered. People were hoping for more than just a reskin.


Thanks Darklow for digging up this post. Can say it still werks.

You are a gentleman and a scholar. :+1:

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did you run it with addons on or off or do you have any?

and i took the portal back up to the pit but it was not there, and i cleared all 4 bosses

missed anything in these steps?