PSA! Shadowlands Leveling Warning! Don’t get stuck grinding!

The fact that we are told which are story quests and which are side quests will mislead people into thinking they can hit max without doing the side quests and then come back for them later.


Thank you for this highly informative and detailed post, with no spoilers!

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My first time through the beta I was a level and a half away from 60 when I hit the Revendreth block. I had been in beta a couple days and had no idea to expect it.

I went online and dug around and found some threads about it and decided I wasn’t gonna waste my time grinding a toon to 60 that was gonna disappear soon enough anyway.

That was when i decided to focus my testing time on the leveling experience and give as much feeback as I could on that. There are others more capable of feedback on raids and ability balancing, but I know leveling pretty well.

So that’s what I did. I don’t know how much effect that feedback I gave had, but I can say, where leveling is now, is much closer to what I was saying it should be, than it was the first time I went through.

And really, I don’t want anyone to have that feeling I had staring at that grey exclamation point and realizing how screwed my toon was. Even worse, not on a throwaway beta copy, but on a beloved main toon.

That’s why this post exists.

I don’t know anyone who uses that. What a terrible way to play.

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The terrain is really bad as is mob density. Also it should be 5 levels not 10. Petty to make us do 10.

From what i understand, pathfinder this cycle is going to be based on renown.

Currently there is no Shadowlands Pathfinder Part One in the game.

No, Dungeon quests are side quests.

I have brought many toons to 60 and have not done one dungeon run, saving them for the lIve game experience.


They better not pull another WoD attempt at killing flying.

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This was my thinking all along, that if there is a designated story, that story should be enough.

Again, it’s far better than it was for a while, now the story is almost enough, just a little extra will get you over the line.

The thing that’s gonna hit people is that the little extra can’t be done by going back to the first 2 zones really, because all that stuff, especially the stuff in the first zone will be completely trivial.

I had no idea what it was and had to go look it up, and yeah, totally agree.

I just don’t think they are gonna do a Pt 1 + Pt 2.

They have said it will be renown based, and that anyone who has been playing the whole time should be able to fly almost right away when it’s unlocked.

My concern is far more about what patch flying comes in. It should be in 9.1 or 9.1.5 at the latest. Holding back to 8.3 in BfA sucked. But that’s a whole other thread topic.


So when you say alts … If you have got a horde toon to 60, will it apply to your alliance alt as well ? Or do you have to do different for different factions …

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I am about 99% sure you just have to do the whole thing once to get an achievement that unlocks both sides.


thank you for the heads up! it’s very informative and appreciative.

I’m not sure how this is all gonna turn out with shadowlands, if I’m going to like it, but we’re certainly going to try. Sounds like there’s pros and cons all over the place.

again, Thank you for the heads up :slight_smile:

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A Zandalari driven insane by being captured by murlocs went into Uldir.

He found the remains of Ghuun and made a suit.

Ghuun lives again! Kill Murlocs for the Blood God.

Just murlocs though.

Most Zandalari have started to believe Ghuun is no longer dead but have stopped seein him as a threat.

Indeed, in some seaside villages you will see Flags and Banners saying “Thank You Ghuun” “Murloc Blood for the Blood God”

These villages are once more at peace now that the murloc population is kept reasonable.

Ghuun, Scourge of the Murlocs, has become a local hero in Nazmir.

Some of the Blood trolls even make peaceful trading with other villages now that they only hunt Murlocs.

Truly… Blood for the Blood God.


Yeah. Although it can be frustrating to kill world Bosses or even wq bosses in Legion part of me kinda likes that they are still difficult.

Heck when they first did the scaling I thought Pandaria was perfect. Around 90 the XP “Slowed Down. Life is meant to be Savoured” but it didn’t go grey until at least 98 and I think you were still getting xp at 100.

I hope once Shadowlands is in place they fix Chromie Time. That teleport is awful even if you’re expecting it.

I really like the idea that it would apply a level lock at 50 or even give you an option to teleport to Behsten Slahtz to continue.

Anansie here isn’t hitting Shadowlands for a long while.

She’s locking at 49 and will just stay there.

This should be pinned… thank you for this!

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This was a great read. Thanks for posting it.

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Also FYI the questing sucks

Here is another pro tip

When you’re doing the campaign quests they are mostly horrible and will put you to sleep unless your 10/10 lore

Make bloody sure you don’t run to far away from mobs when they decide they want to spend 6 years drooling into your eye whilst they walk you from one location to the other

Honestly worst questing experience in WoW

You just might! With 10m downloads I’d be surprised if you didn’t. Personally I use a lesser known one called wow-pro and its guides module only has 1m downloads

One guy I know still uses Zygor :grimacing: I don’t know how it gets away with being a paid addon


I’m fine with locking it behind rep…but by the time I’m exalted/revered… I’ve seen everything there is to see from the ground. Delaying it for another year is just frustrating.

You could level up for months just doing the campaign quests, I have no idea why they adjusted the xp so you had to do all. I much prefer the BfA system of having lots of extra quests to have some variety for alts.