PSA - Reporting Griefers

eh. I mean its not like people aren’t warned ahead of time when the dragon is coming.

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Some more to add from Obsidian Edge (PVE realm)

Griefers bringing elementals from Searing Gorge / Badlands into Loch Modan which AoE damage one shot lowbies

MC’ing mobs just before you attack which then flags you, then they kill you. Over 10 people from my guild died this way just today.

Incoming MY DAD IS BLIZZARD rage post from Shortstack because imagine crowing about reporting to try to get someone banned.


I giggled.

I mean, he was bragging about getting the tee-shirt.


Might wanna get a refund on that tshirt buddy, guy is unbanned and actively kiting


Losers are being banned left and right for it.

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Name ONE.

Protip: you can’t.

I def can :grinning:

Here’s a hint for you…

When you get those emails from Blizz thanking you for your report that go on to state they have taken appropriate action?

Blizz’s idea of appropriate action is to throw your report in the trash.

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GMs confirmed it is bannable. Cry moar.


Oh, now you have confirmation from MULTIPLE sources.

Sounds incredibly likely to me.

Yep they confirmed it. Cry moar.

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It’s unfortunate that you’re unable to provide evidence of all those GMs you talked to confirming kiting mobs will get you a ban.

I don’t have to. It isn’t my job. Stay angry little one.

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Oh, I have absolutely no doubt that you don’t have a job like that.

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Whatever you say maddy.

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Would you like a hug, friend?

You seem like you need a hug.

Says the maddy replying to all my threads like he is mad.

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I’m just concerned.

You seem like you might have some things going on that you’d like to talk about.

Go ahead, I’m listening, friend.

I’m leveling on Jom currently while reading your mad posts. I’m a multitasker.