PSA: New Meme spreading through the forums

Public Service Announcement

The PSA alert system would like to inform you that “Change My Mind” is now the cool new meme. If you are not already using it you should.

Change my mind.

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I’d rather eat Randy

Classic is not hard.

Change my mind.

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No thank you Juanita

Ok Boomer.


Thanks for jumping on board. LOL :wink:

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Look at all the posts about BWL being too hard.

OP is a douche nozzle

Change my mind

New :unamused:

Ok Boomer.

I beg your pardon. What makes you call me such things. You sir have offended my honor.

Your mother smelt of elder berries and i thumb my nose at you!

Now, look here, my good man–

The New guy meme? :slight_smile:

Oh. :neutral_face:

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IMAGINE thinking change my mind is the current meme.

IMAGINE being so wrong.

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imagine sarcasm
imagine boredom

it’s more likely than you think

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Eipstein didn’t have a soul stone.

I thought Simp was the ‘‘new meme’’ Change my mind is nearly 4 years old now yo.

Epstein didn’t hellfire.

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