PSA: Kiting as a tank is necessary in m+

Kiting as a tank is garbage. As others have said, if there’s a specific mechanic you need to kite then OK. But tanks having to kite every trash pack is just annoying for everyone in the group.

The point of bringing a tank is so that he can hold the mobs for the dps to do their job.

Have you forgot about auto attacking which many classes rely pretty heavily on. For the exact same reason tanks are kiting, is the reason melee dps suffers.

Silence is fantastic for positioning mobs, or when you need to move a pack out of hazards like sanguine, if you can interrupt spells with it sure it lessens that damage but you trade the casts for melee damage which kinda makes kiting more useful while they are silenced.

Misery I use as an interrupt for stuff that cant be interrupted (and requires a stun/incap/fear) or when the other two interupts are down or as a psuedo CC on a ranged target that is not joining the pack and just sitting at range pinging things (till it can be brought in via other means, when disrupt is off cd or a death grip, chains etc is up), chains I actually like to use to aid in kiting by pinging things back (slimes on 1st plaguefall boss) or to cluster up packs (slimes before the fiirst boss) or as a 4th interrupt… there are some packs it just works really really well, so its worth sitting on it for a pack or two in advance to make sure its available at that moment.

So yes I take your point everything helps and its all part of the toolkit and I agree kiting is the emergency “oh crap everything else has been deployed but I am still about to die F(&*6978 sh(&^(& run get away from mobs” panic moment not the default you should be doing it in place of actual tanking, it works in tandem.

2004 - “tanks exist to focus the enemies attention on themselves and mitigate as much damage to the group as possible. Healers exist to restore the health of their teammates and resurrect the dead”



Excessive kiting is an indication of over tuned dungeons. IT’s fine if kiting is part of a tanks tool kit. It’s not fine if it’s expected majority of the time. Which it is if you want to clear keys. This also means anyone who can’t dps effective when a tank is kiting is also on the chopping block.

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Also, learn to use LoS Properly!

I love it when 1 person just hangs out around a corner while you are trying to LOS a group to a specific area…to avoid pats, or for whatever reason.

“You’re not a tank, you’re just a target dummy! Get them legs moving and run for your life!” - Blizzard 2021

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