PSA: Jewlery is now account wide

I do not know exactly when this was pushed, but as of 10 AM Eastern today the timerunning rings, trinket, and presumably neck, are unlocked on alts if the achievement is complete on another character.

You will need to pay 10 bronze per item from the Gem Provisioner.


Yesterday late afternoon/early evening I believe. I saw someone mention it in General Chat. WoWhead has an article timed 19 hours ago.

This is a great change.

Old news. Now we just need gems to be mailable. The only work around I’ve found was to make another account or have a friend trade you. But it might not be worth it as the gems scale with level which is a bit stupid considering threads give way more stats than gems. For example a green gem gives only 2 stat on a level 10 character. Would be better if gem stats did not depend on level so we could truly be OP.

It’s something.

They are useless without gems, but it’s something.

This makes so much more sense for a “overpowered, fun alt leveling event”

Gems are negligible at lower levels.

Mail yourself gems…

You cannot

Trade them to yourself if you have two accounts, or have a friend do so. Easy done you win. Took me all of 30 seconds to bypass this issue
Stop whining this a great change

So, with that in mind, I only have 1 battlenet account, I know you can have up to 8 WoW accounts on the Blizzard account, can you log in to each at the same time?

nvm I think I found the answer - no.

My son has an inactive account so I may have him create a character on Remix and trade from there.

Yes you can, you just need to open multiple instances of Wow. BUT trial accounts can’t trade so it needs to be a Paid account of some form.

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Ahhh, well, nevermind then.

still not getting the neck but two more heroics for the last ring - had done everything except heroic dungeons on my alt too ( what punishment!)

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Yes you can log into them at same time. I have two accounts on one battlenet I’d and I can dual box. Must be same CPU though. So you need two monitors or split the screen

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I didn’t try that… thank you!

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