PSA - If You're Working on A Farewell to Arms - BFA Meta

Vulpera for a Day WQ is up in the Vol’Dun Assault until 11 a.m. PST.
The WQ is need to complete the Achievement Scavenge Like a Vulperann / Dune Squad. This WQ does not seem to be up every Vul’dun assault, so it could be a while before you get another crack at it.


Got it today thanks to you! Hopefully this helps others.


Hopefully it resets/still up in about 3 hours :slight_smile: otherwise … :sob::sob::sob:

It will not be, I believe it ends either 30 minutes from now or ended 30 minutes ago


Suffering :pleading_face:

Next Vol’Dun assault is Monday 12 a.m. to 7 a.m.

Missed it. My bad for not, uh checks timetable being awake.

Well… crap…
After waiting this long, I guess maybe it’ll be up next time while I’m not stuck at work or in a commute. Why can’t I work from home and game on the side :laughing:
Grats to those that got it done today. RIP to those of us that missed for IRL responsibilities.

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