PSA: Friendly Alpaca lets you turn in the quest while in a raid group, but it doesn't count


The Elusive Quickhoof is obtainable in a raid group, so like fools, we assumed the same. You’ll have to hunt yourself, I’m afraid. (Or at least with 4 or less other people).

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Someone please tell me this isn’t true :cold_sweat:

omg please tell me this isn’t true…

This was recently hotfixed was it not? To prevent raids and all that.

There’s a thread in the wowhead comments with a few people chiming in to say they didn’t get their mount, if you don’t want to believe just me. :cry:

Oh no I hope not! Guess I’ll find out tomorrow (my 8th day). Either the mount appears or that was a whole week of raid groups for nothing :sweat_smile:

I don’t see anything in the hotfix notes from this morning about the alpaca? Only where they fixed it so you couldn’t get credit for your entire group turning it in and get it in one shot. I’m just referring to the act of turning in your singular daily quest while in a raid group.

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Oh. I have not actually done this Alpaca stuff so I am not sure what is going on. I know lots of people are trying to help out with it though which is super cool.

I will find out tomorrow if this is true or not. If it is true we really should make this blow up on the forums to get blizzard to change it.

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Oh, 8.3 you…

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Thank you for the PSA, I’ve been finding it on my own so far but was thinking of jumping into group finder to make it easier this week. Appreciate the heads up. :slight_smile:

I really hope I’m wrong tbh! There’s another thread going where the theory is you have to find him on the eighth day and then you get the mount. I didn’t consider that. Fingers crossed.

whelp I just farmed up another 5 herbs just in case. I was able to find it once on my own and was in a party (not a raid) for another one. But I hope we can get it on the 8th day.

??? Why? For what reason would they make it this way?

It’s probably a bug. Or the progress reset when an exploit was found.

Apparantly you need to feed it for 7 days and on the 8th it gives the mount?

So every day ive turned it in by joining a group who had it up in their phase was wasted?

Please, let us know. I’ve turned in the quest in a raid group 4/6 times already. I thought I was getting my alpaca soon :sob:

Lol can’t have anything convenient. Sorry to all you hunters if true

Today was my 8th day feeding the alpaca in a raid group and still nothing it’s not looking good :grimacing::cry:

It’s definitely not looking good. I do wonder, though, if it can be done the way people were doing it the first couple of days - limiting groups to five.

I’m sure that works! It’s the raid group situation that doesn’t, I think.