For those that are interested in buying some of the mounts or pets during the holiday sale, make sure you check the price of the Woof Pack first before you decide to purchase any of those individually. The only one I didn’t have from the pack was the fox and I only paid $8.56 for it, instead of $12.50.
Noice! But when did foxes go woof?
I’m stuck at work but have been waiting for this sale to hit. Have some Blizz balance to offload and the Wolf Pack contains part of what I’ve wanted. Soo can’t wait to get home.
I was wondering about the weird price for it. The only one I didn’t have from it was the beer pup so the cost for me is 3.42 .
Since… always? Foxes are canines.
I’ve heard the song. That is a blatant lie.
These are cute noises!
What a legend, you saved me 2 dollars.
You said something completely wrong with such self-confidence I applaud you. They don’t go woof. Canines yes but they don’t woof.
Usually when I jump on their backs.
I bet someone is doing a frantic search for woofing foxes.
At least we finally learned what the fox says.
I am highly tempted as I don’t own any of them but only the vulpin really catches my eye. And it’s still less than it would be normally so I might just treat myself for the holidays. Random Quasi-Factoid: Foxes are the cats of dogs, if that makes any sense at all.
It does! They even make their own type of purr when you scritch them.
You’ve clearly never heard a fox, lol. They DEFINITELY don’t bark. They make some weird noises tho… weird as anything and a little unsettling if you don’t know what you’re hearing.
Listen to the video I posted. They do make barking sounds. The very first one in that video is an “alarm bark.”
Easily the first time I’ve ever heard them NOT making a death banshee screech in the middle of the night. They scary.
Reached in his pocket, took all his cash
Left my man standing with the egg mustache
Suckers, they come a dime a dozen
"When I say dozen, you know what I’m talkin’ about, boy