Your notes tab does not back up with TRP profiles. If it gets wiped and you don’t have the notes copy pasted anywhere, you’re outa luck.
Just lost the names of Altielle’s colleagues from Suramar, a number of Darnassian words she’s learned over the course of RP, a list of 9 warlocks that have gone missing that was supposed to be part of an event later on (including a brief overview about them), and an inscription she put on a gift for someone.
Heart breaker. Don’t be like me. Back up your notes tab separately, especially as 9.0 draws near.
I’m really sorry that happened, Altielle. Losing information like that feels awful.
It sucks but at least now I’m able to provide everyone else with a warning.
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I’ve never had my TRP’s wipe or reset, not even with several updates. But it seems to happen quite often to some people, which is a huge shame. That is why I’m wondering if there’s an identifiable reason behind it.
Is it a result of DC’ing, computer crashes, power outages or something similar?
Does it happen more or less often to people using TRP Extended?
Is it just entirely random and down to luck? (but I must admit I doubt that, my luck has never been any good)
It would be great to know if there was a pattern to it so that people could know how at-risk they are of a wipe happening.
What happened to me was I was trying to access the PTR. It kept crashing, so I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Figured since I had it all backed up, I could just put it all back on.
I think it’s a good idea to keep backups in case of corrupted game files, too, that might force you to reinstall the game. I don’t think it’s possible to predict, which is why always keeping backups is really important.
The notes section is saved in your WTF folder along with all other addon data. I don’t copy paste anything, nor do I even have to back up the WTF folder manually. Follow this for syncing your data to cloud storage and you’ll never lose anything again.
Thank you for a friendly reminder to back up my TRP3. I forgot to back up my TRP3 profiles since I got this PC back from the shop months ago.
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I got really sick of that phenomenon so I started backing every written detail up on a word document.
Of course the day I started actually taking that precaution was the day the intermittent wiping magically, mysteriously stopped.
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I have never had anything wipe or mess up on me in like over ten years (since I got rid of my old toaster that needed a box fan cause the heat sink didn’t work)
I have been meticulous and extremely petty about my backups ever since. I have several hard drives and lap tops as well as an older lap top that is solely for backing stuff up, and I have multiple copies of everything I make that gets backed up multiple times.
Back up everything all the time, no exceptions.
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The only time I ever had TRP wipe on me was when I uninstalled the game. And it was the worst feeling ever. I now make sure to back up all my data, I have no real desire to lose what I’ve put together.
What is the purpose of the Notes in my TRP3 addon. Like is it just a wordpad if I need or… explain it like im a kid.
EDIT: Or like an adult who doesnt know.
I think so. It seems to be there for taking notes on character details, RP continuity, etc. I’ve also used it as a place for drafting character descriptions before I put them in the About section.
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Ill list all the reasons blood elf hunter mains are IRL IG and ICly the best kind of human being.
OH HEY: Eledris whats your covenant gonna be just wondering asking around.
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Ardenweald, for this character. This is based purely on aesthetic and thematic considerations; I figure I’m not going to be pushing content enough for its gameplay viability to matter.
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